React Native application for listing Marvel superheroes!
These instructions will show you how to make a copy of this project and run it locally in a development environment:
Marvel API Key and Hash to make the requests to the Marvel characters API;
React Native environment with iOS and/or Android build;
Clone the repository:
git clone
Initialize the dependencies in node_modules
yarn install
Create a file called .env
in the root of the project and add your API key:
Start and build the app:
yarn start
yarn ios // or yarn android
Run tests:
yarn test
- Axios - HTTP client based on Promises for the API calls;
- Styled Components - CSS-in-JS for styling React components;
- Jest and React Native Testing Library - for automated unit tests;
- Axios Mock Adapter - Axios adapter that allows to easily mock requests;
- React Native Dotenv - for loading environment variables using import statements;