This is a repository to save some notebooks related to my study of JavaScript. I followed the course JavaScript from
MODULO-A has some basic introdutory commands, for example window.alert, window.confirm, and how to write comments in javascript.
MODULO-B has an introduction to variables, including conversion and formatting.
MODULO-C has an introduction to Document Object Model (DOM), including how to get elements by tag name, id, how to change attributes of elements, like the color, and some basic concepts on events ('click', 'mouseenter', etc).
MODULO-D deals with conditions (if, else if, else, switch...) and contains two interesting exercises, one that changes the document background and displays an image and a sentence ("good morning", "good afternoon"...) according to current time, and other that "detects" if a person is young, adult or elderly, computes his/her age and display an image (young man/woman, adult man/woman, elderly man/women), all based on the birthdate input.
MODULO-E deals with loops (for, while, do) and also contains two exercises, one that counts from a certain number to other, considering an initial input number, a final input number and a step input, in ascending and descending order, and other that calculates and displays the multiplication table for a certain number.
MODULO-F deals with arrays and functions.