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Bandcamp Retriever

Retrieves info about albums, songs, artists etc from the bandcamp website.


This was a tool built out of necessity. I love bandcamp and the fact that they provide DRM-free downloads of your music. I chose to make this tool public because I want to enable others to make tools that help improve the usability of Bandcamp.

PLEASE consider whether your project helps artists to continue releasing their music on bandcamp, so it can continue to exist for purchasing DRM-free music.

Command Line Usage

bandcamp-retriever [<OPTION>]... <COMMAND> [<ARG>]...


  • --verbose

    Enables verbose logging. Useful for debugging.

  • --cookies-file

    Specifies the path to the cookies.txt file where the bandcamp session is stored.

  • --dont-update-cookies

    Specifies that the cookies.txt file should NOT be updated after each request (if a cookies.txt file has been specified).

  • --lock-cookies-file

    Specifies that a lockfile should be used to access the cookies.txt file.


  • info <URL>... [<OPTION>]...

    Fetches, parses, and outputs info from the given bandcamp URL.

    • --url <URL>

      Optionally specifies a URL to fetch info from via a flag, instead of from a positional argument.

    • --type album | track | artist | fan

      Forcibly specifies the type of item that the given URL points to. This will be deduced from the URL or page if not given. If more than 1 URL is given, this argument should be placed after the URL it refers to.

    • --additional-data[=yes|no]

      Specifies if additional resources should be fetched for the given URL's page. Some bandcamp pages require fetching additional resources to populate extra data. If more than 1 URL is given, this argument should be placed after the URL it refers to. Just passing --additional-data without =yes or =no will specify yes. Default is yes if argument is not passed.

    • --additional-pages[=yes|no]

      Specifies if additional pages should be fetched for the entity at the given URL. Some bandcamp entities may require fetching data from additional pages to populate extra data. If more than 1 URL is given, this argument should be placed after the URL it refers to. Just passing --additional-pages without =yes or =no will specify yes. Default is no if argument is not passed.

    • --print-format readable-brief | readable | json | json-pretty

      The format to print the fetched info

  • collection <URL OR USERNAME> [<OPTION>]...

    Fetches items from one of the collections of the given profile.

    • --profile-id <ID>

      Optionally specifies the fan ID for the given fan profile. The fan ID is a numeric value.

    • --collection collection | wishlist | following-artists | following-fans | followers

      Optionally specifies the collection to fetch from. If not given, the fan's "Collection" page is used.

    • --limit <COUNT>

      Optionally specifies the maximum number of items to return. Default value is 20 is no argument is passed

    • --older-than-token

      Optionally specifies the token of the item before the first item to return in the results.

    • --print-format readable-brief | readable | json | json-pretty

      The format to print the fetched info

  • search <QUERY> [<OPTION>]...

    Searches the bandcamp website for the given query.

    • --type any | album | track | artist | label | fan

      Filter which type of items to search for. Specifying either 'artist' or 'label' will show both artists and labels.

    • --print-format readable-brief | readable | json | json-pretty

      The format to print the search results

  • search-collection <URL_OR_USERNAME> <QUERY> [<OPTION>]...

    Searches the collection on the given profile.

    • --collection collection | wishlist

      Specify which collection to search on the profile

    • --print-format readable-brief | readable | json | json-pretty

      The format to print the search results.

  • download <URL>... [<OPTION>]...

    Downloads the track or album that the given URL points to.

    • --url <URL>

      Optionally specifies a URL to download media from via a flag, instead of from a positional argument.

    • --type track | album

      Forcibly specifies the type of item that the given URL points to. This will be deduced from the URL or page if not given. If more than 1 URL is given, this argument should be placed after the URL it refers to.

    • --dir <PATH>

      The base directory where the files should get downloaded. If not included, the current working directory will be used.

    • --output <FORMAT_PATH>

      A format path string specifying where tracks should get downloaded, relative to the base directory (specified with --dir). A default output path structure will be used if not given.

      Example: %(artistName)/%(albumName)/%(trackNumber:d2) %(name).%(fileExt)

    • --file-type <FILE_TYPE>[,<FILE_TYPE>]...

      Specifies the file type(s) to download. If multiple are given, they should be comma-separated. If 'all' is given, all file types will be downloaded.

    • --prefer-file-type <FILE_TYPE>[,<FILE_TYPE>]...

      Specifies the preferred file type(s) to download, in order of highest to lowest priority. If multiple are given, they should be comma-separated.

    • --max-files-per-track <NUM>

      Specifies the maximum number of files per track that should be downloaded, if the --file-type argument was given.

  • identity [<OPTION>]...

    Outputs the identity of the current user info, or nothing if there is no logged-in user.

    • --print-format readable-brief | readable | json | json-pretty

      The format to print the fetched info.

Library Usage

To make calls to bandcamp, import the Bandcamp type and create a new instance:

import { Bandcamp } from 'bandcamp-retriever';
const bandcamp = new Bandcamp();


  • Bandcamp (class)

    • search( query: string, options: { item_type?: BandcampItemTypeChar, page?: number } = {} ): Promise<BandcampSearchResultsList>

      Perform a search with a given query

      • query: The search query

      • options:

        • item_type: The type of item to search for.

          't' for track

          'a' for album

          'b' for band or label

          'f' for fan

        • page: The page number of search results to fetch. Starts at 1.

    • getItemFromURL( url: string, options: { forceType?: BandcampItemType, fetchAdditionalData?: boolean, fetchAdditionalPages?: boolean } = {}): Promise<BandcampTrack | BandcampAlbum | BandcampArtist | BandcampFan>

      Fetch info for the item at the given URL

      • url: The item URL to fetch

      • options:

        • forceType: Optionally force the URL to be interpreted as a specific item type

        • fetchAdditionalData: Controls whether or not additional resources should be fetched for the page (Default: true)

        • fetchAdditionalPages: Controls whether or not additional pages should be fetched to populate the item's data. Falls back to fetchAdditionalData if not given.

    • getTrack( url: string, options: { fetchAdditionalData?: boolean, fetchAdditionalPages?: boolean } = {} ): Promise<BandcampTrack>

      Fetch info for a given track

    • getAlbum( url: string, options: { fetchAdditionalData?: boolean, fetchAdditionalPages?: boolean } = {} ): Promise<BandcampAlbum>

      Fetch info for a given album

    • getArtist( url: string, options: { fetchAdditionalData?: boolean, fetchAdditionalPages?: boolean } = {} ): Promise<BandcampArtist>

      Fetch info for a given artist

    • getFan( url: string, options: { fetchAdditionalData?: boolean, fetchAdditionalPages?: boolean } = {} ): Promise<BandcampFan>

      Fetch info for a given fan profile

    • getFanCollectionItems( fanURL: string, fanId: string | number, options: { olderThanToken?: string | null, count?: number }): Promise<BandcampFan$CollectionPage>

      Fetch a page of collection items for the given fan profile.

      • fanURL: The URL of the fan profile.

      • fanId: The numeric ID of the fan.

      • options:

        • olderThanToken: Optional token for the item before the first item in the results.

        • count: The maximum number of items to retrieve. Default is 20.

    • getFanWishlistItems( fanURL: string, fanId: string | number, options: { olderThanToken?: string | null, count?: number }): Promise<BandcampFan$WishlistPage>

      Fetch a page of wishlist items for the given fan profile.

      • fanURL: The URL of the fan profile.

      • fanId: The numeric ID of the fan.

      • options:

        • olderThanToken: Optional token for the item before the first item in the results.

        • count: The maximum number of items to retrieve. Default is 20.

    • getFanHiddenItems( fanURL: string, fanId: string | number, options: { olderThanToken?: string | null, count?: number }): Promise<BandcampFan$CollectionPage>

      Fetch a page of "hidden" items for the given fan profile. This will only work for the currently logged in user's profile.

      • fanURL: The URL of the fan profile.

      • fanId: The numeric ID of the fan.

      • options:

        • olderThanToken: Optional token for the item before the first item in the results.

        • count: The maximum number of items to retrieve. Default is 20.

    • getFanFollowingArtists( fanURL: string, fanId: string | number, options: { olderThanToken?: string | null, count?: number }): Promise<BandcampFan$FollowedArtistPage>

      Fetch a page of artists that the given fan profile is following.

      • fanURL: The URL of the fan profile.

      • fanId: The numeric ID of the fan.

      • options:

        • olderThanToken: Optional token for the item before the first item in the results.

        • count: The maximum number of items to retrieve. Default is 20.

    • getFanFollowingFans( fanURL: string, fanId: string | number, options: { olderThanToken?: string | null, count?: number }): Promise<BandcampFan$FollowedFanPage>

      Fetch a page of fans that the given fan profile is following.

      • fanURL: The URL of the fan profile.

      • fanId: The numeric ID of the fan.

      • options:

        • olderThanToken: Optional token for the item before the first item in the results.

        • count: The maximum number of items to retrieve. Default is 20.

    • getFanFollowers( fanURL: string, fanId: string | number, options: { olderThanToken?: string | null, count?: number }): Promise<BandcampFan$FollowedFanPage>

      Fetch a page of followers for the given fan profile.

      • fanURL: The URL of the fan profile.

      • fanId: The numeric ID of the fan.

      • options:

        • olderThanToken: Optional token for the item before the first item in the results.

        • count: The maximum number of items to retrieve. Default is 20.

    • searchFanCollectionItems( query: string, fanURL: string, fanId: string | number): Promise<BandcampFan$SearchMediaItemsPage>

      Search the given fan profile's collection items.

      • query: The search query.

      • fanURL: The URL of the fan profile.

      • fanId: The numeric ID of the fan.

    • searchFanWishlistItems( query: string, fanURL: string, fanId: string | number): Promise<BandcampFan$SearchMediaItemsPage>

      Search the given fan profile's wishlist items.

      • query: The search query.

      • fanURL: The URL of the fan profile.

      • fanId: The numeric ID of the fan.

    • updateSessionCookies( cookies: string[] | tough.Cookie[] )

      Updates the cookies for the current session

    • clearSession()

      Clear the current session cookies

    • session (read-only)

      The current session

    • isLoggedIn (read-only)

      Tells whether the current session contains auth cookies

    • getMyIdentities(): Promise<BandcampIdentities>

      Fetches the "identities" for the currently authenticated user


An unofficial library for accessing bandcamp






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