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Luc Moreau edited this page Sep 28, 2023 · 5 revisions

An executable to convert between PROV representations.


usage: provconvert [-allexpanded] [-bindformat <string>] [-bindings
       <file>] [-bindver <int>] [-builder] [-compare <file>] [-config]
       [-dateTime <dateTime>] [-debug] [-flatten] [-formats] [-generator
       <string>] [-genorder] [-help] [-index] [-infile <file>] [-informat
       <string>] [-layout <string>] [-location <location>] [-log2kernel]
       [-log2prov <file>] [-merge <file>] [-namespaces <file>]
       [-outcompare <file>] [-outfile <file>] [-outformat <string>]
       [-package <package>] [-template <string>] [-templatebuilder <file>]
       [-timeZone <timeZone>] [-title <string>] [-verbose] [-version]
 -allexpanded,--allexpanded                  In template expansion,
                                             generate term if all
                                             variables are bound.
 -bindformat,--bindformat <string>           specify the format of the
 -bindings,--bindings <file>                 use given file as bindings
                                             for template expansion
                                             (template is provided as
 -bindver,--bindver <int>                    bindings version
 -builder,--builder                          template builder
 -compare,--compare <file>                   compare with given file
 -config,--config                            get configuration
 -dateTime,--dateTime <dateTime>             date time options PRESERVE,
                                             UTC, SYSTEM, TIMEZONE
 -debug,--debug                              print debugging information
 -flatten,--flatten                          flatten all bundles in a
                                             single document (to used with
                                             -index option or -merge
 -formats,--formats                          list supported formats
 -generator,--generator <string>             graph generator
 -genorder,--genorder                        In template expansion,
                                             generate order attribute. By
                                             default does not.
 -help,--help                                print this message
 -index,--index                              index all elements and edges
                                             of a document, merging them
                                             where appropriate
 -infile,--infile <file>                     use given file as input
 -informat,--informat <string>               specify the format of the
 -layout,--layout <string>                   dot layout: circo, dot
                                             (default), fdp, neato, osage,
                                             sfdp, twopi
 -location,--location <location>             location of where the
                                             template resource is to be
                                             found at runtime
 -log2kernel,--log2kernel                    generating provenance types
 -log2prov,--log2prov <file>                 fully qualified ClassName of
                                             initialiser in jar file
 -merge,--merge <file>                       merge all documents (listed
                                             in file argument) into a
                                             single document
 -namespaces,--namespaces <file>             use given file as declaration
                                             of prefix namespaces
 -outcompare,--outcompare <file>             output file for log of
 -outfile,--outfile <file>                   use given file as output
 -outformat,--outformat <string>             specify the format of the
 -package,--package <package>                package in which bindings
                                             bean class is generated
 -template,--template <string>               template name, used to create
                                             bindings bean class name
 -templatebuilder,--templatebuilder <file>   template builder
 -timeZone,--timeZone <timeZone>             a timezone
 -title,--title <string>                     document title
 -verbose,--verbose                          be verbose
 -version,--version                          print the version information
                                             and exit


 * prov-n notation:   .provn
 * prov-xml:          .provx
 * prov-jsonld:       .jsonld
 * prov-json:         .json
 * pdf:               .pdf
 * svg:               .svg
 * jpg:               .jpg


To convert a file to pdf:

provconvert -infile pc1-full.xml -outfile pc1-full.pdf

To convert a ttl file to provn:

provconvert -infile pc1-full.ttl -outfile pc1-full.provn

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