Tests capabilities of sql.js-httpvfs based static serving Bible query app on gh-pages.
Importing sql.js-httpvfs ain't working. Ugly related workarounds:
- copy sql.js-httpvfs from
as Vite treatspublic
content as root level assets and copies it todist
in build time (https://issueexplorer.com/issue/phiresky/sql.js-httpvfs/18) - include
script src="/sql.js-httpvfs/dist/index.js"
in index.html to exposecreateDbWorker
as a global. Trying to import it fails with "no such symbol exported".
Github pages base URL path config:
- see vite.config.js
- rename repo OR totally replace its contents with vite-managed project
- create/upload gh-pages branch
- static SPA with dual functionality (scriptkit in mind):
- it may take bible query in
(query-string) - in that case DONT render command input html
- ... and in scriptkit, include html in iframe
- (because I cannot use static server as API to serve JSON)
- it may take bible query in
No pull requests accepted ATM.