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This package provides Lucideus' .eslintrc as a shareable config


npx install-peerdeps --dev eslint-config-lucideus
  • Confirm usage of yarn, if prompted


Once you install the eslint-config-lucideus package and all its peer dependencies, you can start using all the rules by specifying it in your eslint config file within the extends section of your .eslintrc.json file

    "extends": ["eslint-config-lucideus"]

Setup in a React project

React specific rules are added separately along with the base rules. You can simply include it within your project using the eslint-config-lucideus/react rule set within the extends section

    "extends": ["eslint-config-lucideus", "eslint-config-lucideus/react"]

Setup in a AWS CDK project

All typescript rules compatible with the AWS CDK structure have been added separately and can be integrated by using the following configuration

    "extends": ["eslint-config-lucideus", "eslint-config-lucideus/cdk"]

Running the linter

Add the following to your package.json within the scripts section to have an easy to use command:

    "scripts": {
        "lint": "./node_modules/.bin/eslint src"

Now you can run, using npm run lint OR yarn lint

Integration with VS Code

  1. Install the ESLint
  2. If you're having multiple projects, add the following in your root .vscode/settings.json
"eslint.workingDirectories": [
        { "directory": "project1", "changeProcessCWD": true },
        { "directory": "project2", "changeProcessCWD": true },
        { "directory": "project2", "changeProcessCWD": true }