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Intention Specification for The Lucid Programming Language

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Lucid: Intention Specification

Lucid is a programming language that allows both dynamic and static typing, immutable data structures, atom-like state management, modern concurrency mechanisms, and seamless integration of S-expressions with C-like syntax. It transpiles to PHP, enabling execution within the PHP ecosystem. (I am not sure if guaranteeing interop is worth the effort.)

Core Features

  1. Data Structures

    • Maps: Key-value collections supporting heterogeneous types.
      let user = {:name "Alice",
                  :age 30,
                  :preferences ["reading", "gaming"]}
    • Vectors: Ordered, indexable collections with mixed types.
      let numbers = [1, 2, 3, "apple", "mango"]
  2. Immutability and Persistence

    • Immutable by Default: Data structures are immutable unless explicitly mutable.
    • Persistent Structures: Modifications generate new instances efficiently without full duplication.
      let updatedUser = user.assoc(:age, 31)
  3. Typing System

    • Dynamic Typing: Define functions and variables without type annotations.
      func greet(name) {
          return "Hello, " + name
    • Static Typing: Optional type annotations for parameters and return types, enforced at compile-time.
      func add(a: Int, b: Int) -> Int {
          return a + b
    • Gradual Typing: Mix dynamic and static types within the same codebase.
  4. Functional Programming

    • Higher-Order Functions: Functions that accept or return other functions.
    • Pure Functions: Functions without side effects, ensuring predictability.
    • Built-In Functions: Includes assoc, dissoc, conj, update, get for data manipulation.
      let newColors = colors.conj("yellow")
  5. Concurrency Model

    • Atom: Manages shared, mutable state safely.
      let counter = Atom({:count 0})
      counter.swap { data in
         data.assoc(:count, data["count"] + 1)
    • Thread Safety: Immutable data structures prevent race conditions.
    • Structured Concurrency: Supports asynchronous operations and task management.
  6. Macro System

    • Metaprogramming: Enables code generation and transformation.
      macro unless(condition, block) {
          return if (!condition) { block }
      unless(user.isLoggedIn) {
  7. REPL-Driven Development

    • Interactive Environment: Facilitates real-time code evaluation, debugging, and testing.
    • Immediate Feedback: Supports iterative development and experimentation.
  8. Interoperability

    • Database Integration: Native support for relational databases.
      let db = Database.connect("relational.db")
      let users = db.query("SELECT * FROM users")
    • External Libraries: Compatible with existing systems and tools, enabling seamless integration.
  9. S-Expressions Integration

    • Native Support: S-expressions are integral to Lucid's syntax.
      (define (factorial n)
          (if (<= n 1)
              (* n (factorial (- n 1)))))
    • Interoperability with C-like Syntax: Allows mixing S-expressions with standard code.
      let greeting = "Hello, World!"
      (define (printGreeting)
          (print greeting))
      func main() {
    • Seamless Parsing: Compiler/interpreter handles mixed S-expression and C-like Syntax without errors.
  10. Transpilation to PHP

    • Compilation Process: Transpiles Lucid source code into PHP code for execution within the PHP runtime.
    • PHP Integration: Leverages PHP's ecosystem, including libraries and frameworks.
    • Interoperability: Allows use of PHP functions and classes within Lucid programs.
    • Performance Optimization: Transpilation includes optimizations to ensure efficient PHP output.
    • Error Handling: Maps Lucid's type and runtime errors to corresponding PHP exceptions.
    • Deployment: Generated PHP code deploys on standard PHP servers.

    Example Transpilation:

    • Lucid Code:
      func factorial(n: Int) -> Int {
          if (n <= 1) {
              return 1
          } else {
              return n * factorial(n - 1)
      func main() {
          let result = factorial(5)
          print(result)  // Outputs: 120
    • Transpiled PHP Code:
      function factorial(int $n): int {
          if ($n <= 1) {
              return 1;
          } else {
              return $n * factorial($n - 1);
      function main() {
          $result = factorial(5);
          echo $result;  // Outputs: 120

Syntax and Usage

  1. Defining Data Structures

    • HashMap:
      let product = {:id 101, :name "Laptop", :price 999.99, :tags ["electronics", "computers"]}
    • Vector:
      let colors = ["red", "green", "blue", 42]
  2. Function Definitions

    • Dynamic Typing:
      func concatenate(a, b) {
          return a + b
    • Static Typing:
      func multiply(a: Int, b: Int) -> Int {
          return a * b
  3. Data Manipulation

    • Add Key-Value Pair:
      let updatedProduct = product.assoc(:stock, 50)
    • Remove Key:
      let simplifiedProduct = product.dissoc(:tags)
    • Append to Vector:
      let newColors = colors.conj("yellow")
  4. Concurrency Operations

    • Atomic State Management:
      let sharedState = Atom({:balance 1000})
      func deposit(amount: Int) {
          sharedState.swap { data in data.assoc(:balance, data["balance"] + amount) }
      func withdraw(amount: Int) {
          sharedState.swap { data in data.assoc(:balance, data["balance"] - amount) }
  5. Macro Usage

    • Conditional Macro:
      macro unless(condition, block) {
          return if (!condition) { block }
      unless(user.isLoggedIn) {
  6. S-Expressions Usage

    • Defining Functions with S-Expressions:
      (define (square x)
          (* x x))
      let result = square(5)
      print(result)  // Outputs: 25
    • Mixing with C-like Syntax:
      let message = "Factorial of 5 is: "
      (define (factorial n)
          (if (<= n 1)
              (* n (factorial (- n 1)))))
      func main() {
          let fact = factorial(5)
          print(message + fact)


Intention Specification for The Lucid Programming Language






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