This is an extension for the Tiptap editor (based on ProseMirror). It's unique for its ability to render overlapping annotations as fragments. Annotations are rendered as Decorations and are therefore not a part of the Prosemirror Document.
npm install --save @tiptap/core @tiptap/pm @tiptap/starter-kit
npm install --save tiptap-annotation-magic
Define a model if you want to store data in annotations.
interface AnnotationData {
name: string;
magicNumber: number;
Add AnnotationMagic
to the list of your extensions.
extensions: [
onAnnotationListChange: (annotations: Annotation<AnnotationData>[]) => {
// Callback when annotation is created/deleted/updated
onSelectionChange: (selectedAnnotations: Annotation<AnnotationData>[]) => {
// Callback when the selected editor text changes
styles: {
// CSS classes to use for different fragments
leftFragment: 'fragment-left',
rightFragment: 'fragment-right',
middleFragment: 'fragment-middle',
normal: 'annotation-normal',
// Create an annotation containing `data` at the selected text location
// Update an annotations `data`
editor.chain().focus().addAnnotation(id, data).run();
// Remove an existing annotation
See a Demo using React on Stackblitz