Travis Hub collects build logs, state changes and other information from Travis workers, then updates build logs in the database, propagates messages to browsers via Pusher, detects finished builds, delivers email and IRC notifications, bakes you a pizza and walks your dog.
Travis Hub communicates with other applications using RabbitMQ (via Hot Bunnies). Please refer to amqp gem's Getting Started guide to learn how to install RabbitMQ on your platform, we won't duplicate all that information here.
After you have RabbitMQ running, use
to create a separate RabbitMQ vhost (travis.development) for travis as well as one user (travis_hub) for Hub. You can instead use any other vhost or username but this script matches what's in the example configuration filee.
Travis Hub is JRuby-based. Make sure you have Sun or OpenJDK 6, install JRuby via RVM (or any other way) and then do
gem install bundler
bundle install
Hub uses travis-core and travis-support that evolve rapidly, so keep your eye on those two.
Heroku supports JRuby but only as a labs feature. Add the following to have Heroku use JRuby when compiling and deploying the slug/dyno.
gem install heroku
heroku plugins:install
heroku labs:enable user_env_compile
heroku config:add RUBY_VERSION='jruby-'
heroku config:add JAVA_OPTS="-Xmx384m -Xss512k -XX:+UseCompressedOops -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8"
Primary database used by is PostgreSQL and Hub uses it extensively. While we use 9.0 in production, 8.4 and 9.1 will work just as well.
Hub uses multiple services that require configuration. It loads configuration from config/travis.yml
and keeps
configs for all environments (development, test, production) in one file under different keys:
# development configuration goes here
# test configuration goes here
# staging configuration goes here
# production configuration goes here
Find a sample travis.yml file under config/travis.example.yml, copy it and edit it to match your system.
To run Hub in the foreground, use
bundle exec thor travis:hub:start
Quite often during development you want to disable things like email delivery and Pusher notifications. Hub lets you do that by removing certain listeners in the configuration file:
domain: travis-ci.local
- worker
- pusher
- email
- irc
- webhook
- campfire
- archive
To disable Pusher, email and IRC notifications, just remove several lines like this:
domain: travis-ci.local
- worker
- webhook
- campfire
- archive
This is the only listener that is not optional. It processes build configuration messages and publishes one or more build requests (think matrix rows) to workers. In real world scenarios this listener cannot be left out.
Propagates messages to browsers using Pusher. Often disabled during development.
Delivers email notifications. Usually disabled during development.
Delivers IRC notifications. Usually disabled during development.
Delivers Web hooks notifications, a la GitHub hooks. Usually disabled during development.
Delivers Campfire notifications. Usually disabled during development.
Proactively archives build logs & other information to a separate data store. Usually disabled during development.
See LICENSE file.
Copyright (c) 2011 Travis CI development team.