This repository implements the Commander interface for controlling a step motor utilizing EasyDriver and an STM32F103C8T6 Blue Pill Board.
This has been developed using the STM32CubeMX IDE by STM.
The clock configuration is 48MHz. It uses FreeRTOS.
The pinout is configured as follows:
The state machine and commands available as as follow:
Send commands by connecting to the microcontroller through the COM serial interface. You can use Python or something like Terminalbpp for that.
Commands for changing step values:
*SSTPX(num) *SSTPY(num)
Response: the new step for the chosen axis
Commands for checking step:
Response: the current step for the chosen axis
HMS-X Scanner - A project that utilizes this interface to control three motors in a dual axis automation hub for automatic measurement of printed circuit boards.