Use Makes no sense to maintain it.
Simple, very simple, sass and haml compiler for dear designer friend.
Say you have a file structure like this:
├── images
│ └── image.jpg
├── index.html.haml
├── javascripts
│ └── app.js
├── layouts
│ └── default.haml
└── stylesheets
└── hola.css.sass
And you run:
trekky -s source -t public
You'll end up having this:
├── images
│ └── image.jpg
├── index.html
├── javascripts
│ └── app.js
└── stylesheets
└── hola.css
trekky -h
usage: trekky [-h] [-s source] [-t target]
Monitors source dir for changes, and copy/process on demand to target dir.
trekky -d