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Projects, Talks and Articles

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Functional Pac-Man, an interpretation of the game, written in purely functional codeAPI TesterElm 2023, a year in reviewTalk "Hope Is Postponed Disappointment" @ JSConf JapanFunctional Programming for Kids in ElmElm 2022, a year in reviewStringy - The String Transformerelm-map - A "slippy" geographic map implementation using only Elm codeTalk "Familiarity or Guarantees? Functional Programming for the front-end" @ Functionl ConfDifferences between TypeScript and ElmElm vs HyperScript - A Wordle implemetationElm 2021, a year in reviewElm's guarantees🍩 The Functional Donut 🍩From dynamic to static typing in three stepsElm ExercisesElm eCommerceElm at RakutenElm Cheat SheetElm physics ExamplePenrose TriangleMario demoAppeal to popularitySafe, Stress Free and Repeatable ReleasesR103D Graphics in the Browser with Elm"elm-starter", a tool for the Modern WebResilience to errors in front-end frameworks🍣 Kaiten Sushi 🍣 Approaches to Web AnimationsRo-BOXElm-Playground-3D ExamplesElm Japan 2020Elm Pages editorDoodle WeatherElm Beginners Tutorial: How to make animated snackbars with zero CSSType Driven Development: Simple masonry layout in 50 lines of Elm codeParallaxElm vs. SvelteElm vs. VueElm vs. Javascript: Side by Side Code ComparisonElm vs. ReactRakuten SecurityRakuten Sign InRakuten Open SourceSimple masonry layout in 50 lines of Elm codeTalk "Elm at large (companies)" @ Oslo Elm DayElm ResourcesTalks and EventsBasic 3D rendering in SVG: elm-playground-3dHow to build a responsive layout without a single CSS line*Time in ElmHTTP TrinityBeginner Tutorials: How to build a game in Elm — Part 1Beginner Tutorials: How to build a game in Elm — Part 2Beginner Tutorials: How to build a game in Elm — Part 3Tutorial: Real Time Collaboration and Free Hosting with glitch.comTerminal Pixel ArtThings that can go wrong without a strictly typed language — Part IMocking APIs from inside ElmMonads without talking about Monads, in ElmThe Elm Architecture (TEA) animationFunctors, Applicatives, And Monads In Pictures (In Elm)Proposal for a Style Framework in ElmMedia queries in ElmUnbreakable JSONUndo and Redo using browsers history - TangramCSS NirvanaIs the future of Front-end development without HTML, CSS and Javascript?Single Page Application Boilerplate for ElmZero-maintenance Always-up-to-date Living Style Guide in Elm!Living Website Style Guide and Documentation in ElmAutocomplete widget in ElmForms in Elm — Validation, Tutorial and Examples — Part 3Forms in Elm — Validation, Tutorial and Examples — Part 2Forms in Elm —Validation, Tutorial and Examples — Part 1Commands and Subscriptions in ElmBrief beginners guide to Maybe and Result types in ElmRecord and replay individual visitor interaction with ElmSeparation of Layout and Style in ElmLessons learned about Elm from SlackImages Zoom in ElmFaceted Variants in ElmSPA and SEO: Google (Googlebot) properly renders Single Page Application and execute Ajax callsTutorial — Permutations and Recursions in ElmScroll and Resize events in ElmServer Side Rendering with ElmData Structures in ElmElm Events TestingMobile Parallax ScrollingKana OverlappingDecoding Json that contain Json using ElmElm-Live ContributionCarousel plugin in ElmA ready-to-use Elm Presentation to impress your colleaguesA Neural Network in 11 lines of JavascriptSelf documenting API specificationsResponse to “Why I am leaving Elm” (A.k.a. Why I didn’t leave Elm)A tool to generate and maintain a blog using Google spreadsheetsOld Elm Japan 2020 websiteBad* Javascript vs Bad* ElmExperimental reuse of code in Elm, Part III — Counters BonanzaExperimental reuse of code in Elm, Part II — The counterSimple Ecommerce Shopping Cart written in ElmExperimental reuse of code in Elm, Part I — Page with list of productsElm flow in the console10 Criteria to Judge a Good Milk ContainerDEC64 — Douglas Crockford’s Decimal NotationIntroduction to Functional ProgrammingJavascript snippet to download a multi-sheets-Google-Spreadsheet in JSONMekkeElm Starter ExampleElm Todos ExampleElm SPA ExampleNyoro-Nyoro GameStyle FrameworkGeofencingPuchi DenshaPerl e InternetPISA.WAD - PiAZZA DEi MiRACOLi

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