Package for any Q-vector-based analysis. Using QnTools framework for Q-vector multidimentional corrections and operations. Input data are expected to be in AnalysisTree format.
- ROOT 6.20 (with MathMore)
- C++17 compatible compiler
- CMake 3.13
- Boost library (for program arguments)
- QnTools
- AnalysisTree
- yaml-cpp
git clone
cd QnAnalysis
mkdir build install
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=../install ../
make -j install
In case of problems please submit an issue.
For some environments yaml-cpp is not available (e.g Kronos or lxplus).
To build bundled version of yaml-cpp
, use CMake option -Dyaml-cpp_BUNDLED=ON
Coming soon...
Correlation options:
--configuration-file arg Path to the YAML configuration
--configuration-name arg Name of YAML node
-i [ --input-file ] arg Name of the input ROOT file (or .list file)
-i [ --input-tree ] arg (=tree) Name of the input tree
-o [ --output-file ] arg Name of the output ROOT file
is either a ROOT file (.root) or list of ROOT files (*.list).
If list is provided ROOT files are chained.
is a path to configuration file.
If configuration path is relative, runner scans $(pwd)
or ${projectRoot}/setups
is a name of YAML node where runner scans correlation tasks.
# --configuration-name=_tasks
# config.yml:
- task1...
- task2...
- task3
Correction task is configured via YAML file.
Few examples of configuration could be found in ${projectRoot}/setups/correlation
Typical setup consists of
- Q-vector definitions
- axes definition
- correlation task(-s)
Exact structure is not fixed (yet) and limited only by YAML syntax and capabilities.
Q-vector is the smallest building block of any correlation task.
Q-vector entity consists of name
and tags
is an identifier of Q-vector. Corresponding Q-vector MUST exist in the input tree.
Example of the detector definition:
name: detectorA
tags: [observable]
is a list of strings of arbitary size.
With tags
user specifies groups which given Q-vector belongs to.
In the end user must provide a list of Q-vectors:
_detectors: &detectors
- name: detectorA
tags: [observable]
- name: detectorB
tags: [reference]
- name: detectorC
tags: []
Here three Q-vectors are defined.
belongs to the group observable
, detectorB
belongs to the group reference
, detectorC
has no groups.
In the correlation task a list of event axes is required.
Usually we build our observable against centrality, but for particular experiment it may also be run number or anything else.
Maximum number of axis is defined during compilation from CorrelationTaskRunner::MAX_AXES
Setting large number to MAX_AXES
may cause long compilation time and runtime performance degradation.
- &ax0
name: Centrality
nb: 10
lo: 0
hi: 100
- &ax1
name: Centrality
bin-edges: [0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100]
In the example two identical axes are defined with bin edges and range specifier.
User provides list of tasks to evaluate. A task consists of:
- Task arguments
- Task action
- Number of samples for bootstrapping
- Event axes
- Folder in the output file
Amount of task arguments determines arity
of the action.
Maximum arity is defined in CorrelationTaskRunner::MAX_ARITY
Be careful with setting large value of MAX_ARITY
Each task argument is a list of Q-vectors or, more precisely, a query
to the defined list of Q-vectors.
Few examples of task arguments:
- query: { tags: { any-in: [ wall ] } }
query-list: *detectors
# what are the Q-vector components participating in the correlation
components: [x1,y1]
# what corrections steps are participating in the correlation
correction-steps: [ recentered ]
- query: { tags: { any-in: [ wall ] } }
query-list: *detectors
components: *2d1h
correction-steps: [ recentered ]
consists of the list of predicates.
Predicate has a target field (name or tags
), type of the predicate and predicate parameters.
tags: { any-in: [ wall ] }
This is the predicate on field tags
. It selects Q-vectors with any of tags
to by in the list: [wall]
Few examples of predicates:
# Name is equals to 'detectorA'
- name: { equals: detectorA }
# Name matches regular expression
- name: { regex-match: "detector.*" }
# Any of tags exists in the list (set intersection)
- tags: { any-in: [ wall ] }
# ALL tags exist in the list (A in B)
- tags: { all-in: [ wall ] }
Query selects Q-vectors with all predicates passed (AND).
# Composite query with two predicates applied to different fields
- tags: { all-in: [ wall ] }
name: { regex-match: "detector.*" }
User must specify components of the Q-vector that shall be used in correlation (e.g components: [x1, y1]
Components are defined according to the regular expression ^(x|y|cos|sin)(\d)$
(case insensitive), where x
and y
are 'x' and 'y' components of the Q-vector.
and sin
denote x
and y
components divided by Q-vector magnitude (event plane analysis).
Number after component denotes Q-vector harmonic.
Field correction-steps
denote list of correction steps that will be used in the correlation.
List of the allowed values is given by the corresponding enumerator (PLAIN
represents weight evaluated from given task argument (Q-vector).
Supported values are sumw
and ones
Task argument definition contains query to Q-vector list, list of correction steps and list of components to evaluate.
This set of parameters is being flatten, giving N_i = N(Q-v) x N(steps) x N(components)
combinations for i-th
task argument.
For m
arguments one correlation task produces N = N_1 x N_2 x ... N_m
combinations of arguments.
Action is a function (const QVector&, ...) -> float
This function is constructed from argument' components via product operation.
Similarly is constructed weight function from weight function of individual arguments.
- query: { tags: { any-in: [ wall ] } }
query-list: *detectors
# what are the Q-vector components participating in the correlation
components: [x1,y1,cos1,sin1]
# what corrections steps are participating in the correlation
correction-steps: [ recentered ]
- query: { tags: { any-in: [ wall ] } }
query-list: *detectors
components: [x1,y1,cos1,sin1]
correction-steps: [ recentered ]
n-samples: 50
weights-type: reference
folder: "/QQ/test"
axes: [ *centrality ]
If weights-type
is reference
, weight function is ignored.