This is a simple tool to generate mock catalogs for streams and the associated images with imSim.
Main LSST installation eups distrib install -t v13_0 lsst_distrib
LSST sims installation eups distrib install -t sims_2_3_4 lsst_sims
you can use to generate mock catalog of streams. use --help to see the input parameters. An example for the terminal command:
python --angular_width 0.05 --angular_length 0.3 --surface_brightness 24 stream0.05_0.3_24.txt
This generates a stream with 0.05 deg x 0.3 deg and surface brightness of 24 mag/arcsec^2, and save it as file stream0.05_0.3_24.txt
The general information of the stream and the simulation will display in the terminal.
Note the code generates a line of N dwarfs with Gaussian profile to mimic the stream. The half-light radius of the dwarf rh = width/2.35 --0.02 deg in this case and number of dwarf N = length/rh -- 14 in this case.
this code will run
to generate a grid of catalogs with varius surface brightness, distance, stream width, etc.
after a mock catalog is generated, you can use
to generate images with imSim