Code and VM recipes for backup from CSD3 to Echo S3, curate at STFC cloud and expose to Somerville.
Main aim to move scientifically valuable intermediate and output data from DEV activities from Cambridge CSD3 to RAL Echo to free up workspace. Data will be curated and made available to users of Somerville. This project is further documented on LSST:UK Confluence.
Installs the contents of the "bucket_manager" folder as a python package.
python -m pip install .
"Scripts" contains general scripts that are runnable from anywhere.
"<location>-side" folders contain scripts and Jupyter notebooks intended to be run in specific locations. .
e.g., from root folder:
docker build -t -f echo-side/containers/basic_env/Dockerfile .
e.g., to list current bucket, with environemnt variables for S3 access set on the host:
docker run \
-e ECHO_S3_SECRET_KEY=$S3_SECRET_KEY \ python csd3-echo-somerville/scripts/