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This is the implementation of the Rubin Observatory's alert database server. The technical design of this system is described in DMTN-183.


Clone, and install with pip (in a virtual environment, if you like):

git clone
cd alert_database_server
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install .

Running the server

The server is installed by pip as a command named alertdb:

% alertdb -h
usage: alertdb [-h] [--listen-host LISTEN_HOST] [--listen-port LISTEN_PORT]
               [--backend {local-files,google-cloud}]
               [--local-file-root LOCAL_FILE_ROOT] [--gcp-project GCP_PROJECT]
               [--gcp-bucket GCP_BUCKET]

Run an alert database HTTP server.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --listen-host LISTEN_HOST
                        host address to listen on for requests (default:
  --listen-port LISTEN_PORT
                        host port to listen on for requests (default: 5000)
  --backend {local-files,google-cloud}
                        backend to use to source alerts (default: local-files)
  --local-file-root LOCAL_FILE_ROOT
                        when using the local-files backend, the root directory
                        where alerts should be found (default: None)
  --gcp-project GCP_PROJECT
                        when using the google-cloud backend, the name of the
                        GCP project (default: None)
  --gcp-bucket GCP_BUCKET
                        when using the google-cloud backend, the name of the
                        Google Cloud Storage bucket (default: None)

Development Setup

Clone as above, and then make a virtual environment and use pip-tools to synchronize your environment. This is a one-time setup:

# Optional, but recommended: use a virtualenv
python3 -m virtualenv virtualenv
source virtualenv/bin/activate

# Install dependencies
pip install pip-tools
pip-sync requirements.txt dev-requirements.txt

# Install package
pip install --editable .

# Install precommit hooks
pre-commit install

Running lint and mypy

Linters and mypy checks should run automatically when you go to commit. To run them on-demand, you can use:

pre-commit run

That will only run on the files that you changed; to run on all files, use

pre-commit run --all-files

Running tests

The only test is an integration test against the Interim Data Facility on Google Cloud.

You'll need an activated Google Cloud SDK to use it (like with gcloud auth application-default login).

Then, specify a GCP project to run against via an $ALERTDB_TEST_GCP_PROJECT environment variable, and run the tests:

% export ALERTDB_TEST_GCP_PROJECT=alert-stream
% pytest
============================= test session starts ==============================
platform linux -- Python 3.8.10, pytest-6.2.4, py-1.10.0, pluggy-0.13.1
rootdir: /home/swnelson/code/rubin/alert_database_server
collected 4 items

tests/ ....                                           [100%]

============================== 4 passed in 10.88s ==============================

The test needs permissions to create buckets and blobs in your project.


Backend service for serving archived alerts over HTTP







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Contributors 4
