Chat application using RTI DDS
To compile it:
$ cd /home/$USER/ada/chat2.0
$ make -f make/Makefile.x64Linux2.6gcc4.4.5
For fully chat operation you need to open two terminals, one as a publisher and one as a subscriber.
To run as a subscriber, this will allow you to read the messages of all the chat participants.
$ cd /home/$USER/ada/chat2.0
$ ./bin/x64Linux2.6gcc4.4.5/chat-main sub
To run as a publisher, this will allow you to write messages to a chat room.
$ cd /home/$USER/ada/chat2.0
$ ./bin/x64Linux2.6gcc4.4.5/chat-main pub
In both cases, it will ask you to select one of the 3 chatrooms available.
You can change the domain ID as a publisher and subscriber to add multiple chatrooms of the same topic:
$ cd /home/$USER/ada/chat2.0
$ ./bin/x64Linux2.6gcc4.4.5/chat-main sub -d (number)
$ cd /home/$USER/ada/chat2.0
$ ./bin/x64Linux2.6gcc4.4.5/chat-main pub -d (number)