This Repo contains the code used to process and analyze snRNA-seq data using Split-seq from Quintanilla et al.
The following scripts include preprocessing, normalization, differential gene expression analysis, pseudotime analysis and Nichenet analysis.
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Ach_data_set_analysis.R - Used to create and annotate initial clusters includes explorative data not included in manuscript.
Cluster_Annotationsn_R2.txt - Name of assigned cluster identities using zUMIs.
DG_SPLITseq_zUMIS_combined_seurat.R - Code used after generating gene x cell matrix from zUMIS to rename cells according to barcodes.
Nichenet_seurat.R - Mirrors nichenet analysis from Nichenet Repo using a Seurat Object from our study.
circos_plot_my_data.R - Creates circle plots using Nichenet generated ligand-receptor associations
combined_DEG_scripts.3.31.22.R - Contains the most comperhensive script used to generate most figures within the manuscript. It includes DEG analysis.
slinghsot.R - Used to generate pseudotime figures in the manuscript using Rv3.6.
slingshot_smoothers.R - Used to generate pseudotime plots of different genes using Rv4.1