live_dust_util is a tool to analyze dusty galaxies from AREPO
simulations with live dust models and SMUGGLE
stellar formation and feedback model in Python
You can download it via
git clone
live_dust_util requires:
- python(>=3.5)
- numpy(>=1.12.0)
- matplotlib(>=3.5.0)
- yt(>=3.4.1)
You can install it by
python -m pip install .
or, if you need root access,
sudo python -m pip install .
To extract extinction curves from GIZMO snapshots:
from live_dust_util import GrainSizeDistribution as GSD
from live_dust_util import ExtinctionLaw as Ext
snap_num = 0
snapshot = Snap(snap_num, "snap_dir")
gsd = GSD(snapshot, a = grain_size_bins, p_c = center_of_galaxy, r_s = radii_lower_bound, r_e = radii_upper_bound)
extinction_law = Ext(gsd, wavelength,
op_a = "gain_size_bin_for_optical_properties.txt",
op_gra = "optical_properties_for_graphites.txt",
op_sil = "optical_properties_for_silicates.txt"
or for snapshots written in parelell, if you want to load a specific sub-snapshot
snap_num = "0".zfill(3)
snap_rank = "1"
snapshot = Snap(snap_num + '.' + snap_rank, "snap_dir")
Combination of sub-snapshots is not yet supported.
To analyze dusty galaxy properties or statistics, such as the dust-mass function:
from live_dust_util import Galaxy
gal = Galaxy(snapshot, a = grain_size_bins, p_c = center_of_galaxy, r_s = radii_lower_bound, r_e = radii_upper_bound)
Md = gal.dataset["MassesByType"]["PartType3"]
To analyze radial profiles:
import live_dust_util.RadialProfile as RadP
rad_prof = RadP(snap, wavelength,
a = grain_size_bins,
op_a = "gain_size_bin_for_optical_properties.txt",
op_gra = "optical_properties_for_graphites.txt",
op_sil = "optical_properties_for_silicates.txt"
p_c = center_of_galaxy,
r_s = radii_lower_bound,
r_e = radii_upper_bound,
n_bins = n_bins
rad_bins = rad_prof.rad
rad_density = rad_prof.data_radial["GasDensity"]
For more practical examples, please refer to scripts in example