Video game that combines elements of the racing and role-playing genres.
All source code is published under the GPLv3 license.
The necessary resources for the game (maps, sounds, textures, etc.) you can take from the games purchased here:
- SDL2
- SDL2_net
- libvorbis
- clunk (
- ffmpeg
- zlib
To host server you can use Docker image or build server manually.
To use docker image you need to pull vangers-server
image and run it:
docker pull caiiiycuk/vangers-server:latest
docker run -v host-dir:container-dir -e SERVER=<server-name> -e CER_FILE=<path-to-cer-file> -e KEY_FILE=<path-to-key-file> caiiiycuk/vangers-server:latest
Vangers server requires cer/key files to host wss server.
For example, if you want to host server on
and your cer/key files are in /root/websockify/
file, then you run command will be:
docker run -d -v /root/websockify:/root/websockify -e -e CER_FILE=/root/websockify/ -e KEY_FILE=/root/websockify/ --network host caiiiycuk/vangers-server
- -d: means start in detached mode
- -v /root/websockify:/root/websockify: map host directory
to container directory/root/websockify
- -e should be name of domain you want to host server
- -e CERT_FILE=/root/websockify/ full path to cer file
- -e KEY_FILE=/root/websockify/ full path to key file
- --network host: use host networking (reuired to bind on domain)