These helpers accompany my blog post on setting up EasyBuild environments
Please refer to that post for detailed background and development information.
This refers to another blog post on OS detection with Lmod, for the bash variables HPC_OS_SHORT and HPC_ARCH_CPU_SHORTNAME. You can substitute these with something else, if you do not have platform detection available.
To setup from scratch, first download the sources:
mkdir -p /apps/easybuild/sources
eb-download --dependencies /apps/easybuild/sources
Then prepare the main branch:
eb-toolchain-bootstrap --create-easybuild-sources-folder /apps/easybuild/2020b
# Initialise for the current platform (using the platform detection in hpc_environment module, e.g. EL-7-sky or Deb-10-has)
eb-platform-init --easybuild-source-path=/apps/easybuild/2020b/sources --install-sources=/apps/easybuild/sources /apps/easybuild/2020b/$HPC_OS_SHORT-$HPC_ARCH_CPU_SHORTNAME
And, for a development branch with it’s own easyconfig tree:
eb-toolchain-bootstrap --install-sources=/apps/easybuild/sources --clone-easyconfigs /apps/easybuild/2020b-some-app-test
# Initialise for current platform, using the base configuration's source space
eb-platform-init --easybuild-source-path=/apps/easybuild/2020b/sources --install-sources=/apps/easybuild/sources /apps/easybuild/2020b-some-app-test/$HPC_OS_SHORT-$HPC_ARCH_CPU_SHORTNAME