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[hmac,dv] Fix fifo_empty interrupt
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- linked to issue #24691
- where the interrupt state for fifo_empty field from the RAL against
the RTL were not matching. This was the case when all the empty
conditions were filled but at the same time a full is coming. It was
just a matter of changing the condition order in the TB.
- fix also FIFO depth status by allowing +1 of tolerance as this
is not super critical to be cycle accurate.

Signed-off-by: Martin Velay <[email protected]>
  • Loading branch information
martin-velay committed Jan 9, 2025
1 parent 2397088 commit b314b52
Showing 1 changed file with 84 additions and 61 deletions.
145 changes: 84 additions & 61 deletions hw/ip/hmac/dv/env/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -113,7 +113,6 @@ task hmac_scoreboard::process_tl_access(tl_seq_item item, tl_channels_e channel,
uvm_reg csr;
string csr_name;
bit do_read_check = 1'b1;
bit do_cycle_accurate_check = 1'b1;
bit write = item.is_write();
bit [TL_AW-1:0] addr_mask = ral.get_addr_mask();
uvm_reg_addr_t csr_addr = cfg.ral_models[ral_name].get_word_aligned_addr(item.a_addr);
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -373,9 +372,9 @@ task hmac_scoreboard::process_tl_access(tl_seq_item item, tl_channels_e channel,
// Update expected status register
if (csr_name == "status") begin
hmac_status_data = (hmac_idle << HmacStaIdle) |
(hmac_fifo_empty << HmacStaMsgFifoEmpty) |
(hmac_fifo_full << HmacStaMsgFifoFull) |
(hmac_fifo_depth << HmacStaMsgFifoDepthLsb);
(hmac_fifo_empty << HmacStaMsgFifoEmpty) |
(hmac_fifo_full << HmacStaMsgFifoFull) |
(hmac_fifo_depth << HmacStaMsgFifoDepthLsb);
void'(ral.status.predict(.value(hmac_status_data), .kind(UVM_PREDICT_READ)));
// Update expected FIFO Empty interrupt register
end else if (csr_name == "intr_state") begin
Expand All @@ -390,9 +389,6 @@ task hmac_scoreboard::process_tl_access(tl_seq_item item, tl_channels_e channel,
if (!write) begin
case (csr_name)
"intr_state": begin
if (!do_cycle_accurate_check) begin
do_read_check = 0;
if (cfg.en_cov) begin
bit [TL_DW-1:0] intr_en = `gmv(ral.intr_enable);
hmac_intr_e intr;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -482,8 +478,21 @@ task hmac_scoreboard::process_tl_access(tl_seq_item item, tl_channels_e channel,
"status": begin
if (!do_cycle_accurate_check || cfg.sar_skip_ctxt) begin
bit [5:0] rd_fifo_depth = item.d_data[HmacStaMsgFifoDepthMsb:HmacStaMsgFifoDepthLsb];
if (cfg.sar_skip_ctxt) begin
do_read_check = 0;
end else begin
// We don't really need to be cycle accurate for this status register, instead we
// tolerate +1
if ((`gmv(ral.status.fifo_depth) != rd_fifo_depth) &&
(`gmv(ral.status.fifo_depth)+1 != rd_fifo_depth)) begin
`uvm_error(`gfn, $sformatf({"Check failed, read status.fifo_depth is not matching ",
"expected value, not even with tolerance of +1: got 0x%0d but exp 0x%0h"},
rd_fifo_depth, `gmv(ral.status.fifo_depth)))
// Update the expected value to the read value to get the check pass
end else begin
void'(ral.status.fifo_depth.predict(.value(rd_fifo_depth), .kind(UVM_PREDICT_READ)));
if (cfg.en_cov) cov.status_cg.sample(item.d_data, `gmv(ral.cfg));
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -598,7 +607,7 @@ task hmac_scoreboard::hmac_process_fifo_wr();
if ((hmac_wr_cnt - hmac_rd_cnt) == HMAC_MSG_FIFO_DEPTH_WR) begin
wait((hmac_wr_cnt - hmac_rd_cnt) < HMAC_MSG_FIFO_DEPTH_WR);
@(negedge cfg.clk_rst_vif.clk);
if (!hmac_stopped) begin
`uvm_info(`gfn, $sformatf("increase wr cnt %0d", hmac_wr_cnt), UVM_HIGH)
Expand All @@ -611,60 +620,74 @@ endtask : hmac_process_fifo_wr
task hmac_scoreboard::hmac_process_fifo_status();
bit pre_fifo_empty_intr;
forever @(hmac_wr_cnt, hmac_rd_cnt, hmac_process, hmac_start, hmac_stopped, hmac_continue) begin
// Store hmac_process and hmac_start to be able to detect when it goes up, as it could remain
// up for a while
bit hmac_process_posedge = hmac_process & ~hmac_process_last;
bit hmac_start_posedge = hmac_start & ~hmac_start_last;
bit hmac_stopped_posedge = hmac_stopped & ~hmac_stopped_last;
bit hmac_continue_posedge = hmac_continue & ~hmac_continue_last;

// Store last value to be able to detect signal change
hmac_process_last = hmac_process;
hmac_stopped_last = hmac_stopped;
hmac_start_last = hmac_start;
hmac_continue_last = hmac_continue;

// when hmac_wr_cnt and hmac_rd_cnt update at the same time, wait the clock rising edge
// to guarantee get both update and at the same time as the DUT

// Compute FIFO level flags
hmac_fifo_depth = hmac_wr_cnt - hmac_rd_cnt;
hmac_fifo_full = hmac_fifo_depth == HMAC_MSG_FIFO_DEPTH_WR;
hmac_fifo_empty = hmac_fifo_depth == 0;

// The FIFO empty interrupt is raised only if the message FIFO is actually writable by
// software, i.e., if all of the following conditions are met:
// 1- The HMAC block is not running in HMAC mode and performing the second round of
// computing the final hash of the outer key as well as the result of the first round
// using the inner key.
// 2- Software has not yet written the Process or Stop command to finish the hashing
// operation.
// 3- The message FIFO must also have been full previously. Otherwise, the hardware empties
// the FIFO faster than software can fill it and there is no point in interrupting the
// software to inform it about the message FIFO being empty.
if (fifo_full_detected && hmac_fifo_empty) begin
pre_fifo_empty_intr = 1;
end else begin
pre_fifo_empty_intr = 0;
// Spawn a thread as an event from the list above might occur during the time we wait
// for the clock cycle (later in this thread).
fork begin
// Store hmac_process and hmac_start to be able to detect when it goes up, as it could remain
// up for a while
bit hmac_process_posedge = hmac_process & ~hmac_process_last;
bit hmac_start_posedge = hmac_start & ~hmac_start_last;
bit hmac_stopped_posedge = hmac_stopped & ~hmac_stopped_last;
bit hmac_continue_posedge = hmac_continue & ~hmac_continue_last;

// Store last value to be able to detect signal change
hmac_process_last = hmac_process;
hmac_stopped_last = hmac_stopped;
hmac_start_last = hmac_start;
hmac_continue_last = hmac_continue;

// When hmac_wr_cnt and hmac_rd_cnt update at the same time, wait for the clock rising edge
// to guarantee both get updated and at the same time as the DUT

// Compute FIFO level flags
hmac_fifo_depth = hmac_wr_cnt - hmac_rd_cnt;
hmac_fifo_full = hmac_fifo_depth == HMAC_MSG_FIFO_DEPTH_WR;
hmac_fifo_empty = hmac_fifo_depth == 0;

// Check whether FIFO full should be cleared (for another reason than the emptiness)
if (hmac_start_posedge || hmac_process_posedge || hmac_stopped_posedge ||
hmac_continue_posedge) begin
fifo_full_detected = 0;

// Delay FIFO empty signal to be aligned with the DUT behavior
fifo_empty_intr = pre_fifo_empty_intr;
// The FIFO empty interrupt is raised only if the message FIFO is actually writable by
// software, i.e., if all of the following conditions are met:
// 1- The HMAC block is not running in HMAC mode and performing the second round of
// computing the final hash of the outer key as well as the result of the first round
// using the inner key.
// 2- Software has not yet written the Process or Stop command to finish the hashing
// operation.
// 3- The message FIFO must also have been full previously. Otherwise, the hardware empties
// the FIFO faster than software can fill it and there is no point in interrupting the
// software to inform it about the message FIFO being empty.
if (fifo_full_detected && hmac_fifo_empty) begin
pre_fifo_empty_intr = 1;
end else begin
pre_fifo_empty_intr = 0;

// Check whether FIFO full has been detected for the ongoing message but the retrictions cases
// have the priority in case full is set at the same moment
if (hmac_fifo_empty || hmac_start_posedge || hmac_process_posedge ||
hmac_stopped_posedge || hmac_continue_posedge) begin
fifo_full_detected = 0;
end else if (hmac_fifo_full) begin
fifo_full_detected = 1;

// Delay FIFO empty signal to be aligned with the DUT behavior
fifo_empty_intr = pre_fifo_empty_intr;

// Ensures that FIFO levels have been updated as a read and write may have race conditions
// and 2 processes are spawned in parallel. And wait on the second negative edge to be sure
// that empty/full flags will be up to date.
// Reset full flag when emptiness has been reached
if (hmac_fifo_empty) begin
fifo_full_detected = 0;
// Check whether FIFO full has been detected for the ongoing message but the retrictions cases
// have the priority in case full is set at the same moment
end else if (hmac_fifo_full) begin
fifo_full_detected = 1;
end join_none
endtask : hmac_process_fifo_status

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