Releases: lovkyndig/kirkepostille
Faster load
Target _blank
Backup of v0.3.9 before the summer.
This is the latest version where target _blank is working properly.
Google Play Store
Google Play Store - Open testing - OK
Install as normally. Then:
bubblewrap init --manifest= --directory="bubblewrap"
and follow the instruction. -
bubblewrap build
and follow the instruction. -
New app
in Google Play Store. -
to the new app (in one of the three tests) in Google Play Store.
After local changes update the Play Store with:
bubblewrap update
andbubblewrap build
.- Then upload the new
-package to Play Store.
- workbox-precache ok.
- runtimeCaching ok.
Added after testing: - All md-files are in cache after use, and don't need to be copied (manually) to the public-folder.
4x100% test-results
100% Health Score, 100% SEO, 100% Best Practices & 100% Accessibility.
100% helth score
- Release all md-files (139)
- 100% helth score from
- vue-gtag plugins ok.
- google-site-verification meta ok.
- katex.css loads in nuxt.config.
- load constans from app/constants - not app.config.
First release
First version where the second search-engine, window.find()., is wokring properly.
All I need to make it work
My local developing requires node
and yarn
yarn install
- installing dependencies from package.json (into node_modules).
yarn dev
- localhost:3000 (shows the website)
yarn build is not necessary, but Vercel is using build and the deployment wan't be published if there are errors. (Some errors are not shown with yarn dev.)
yarn generate
- Generates pagefind-files (necessary if md-files is changed).
In Github Desktop
push it to Github
Create account on Vercel
Publish the Github-repo to subdomain on Vercel.