This simulator aims to help Educators teach how the SAP 1 Architecture works. This simulator features capabilities to support that goal.
Visually demonstrate how the control pins affects the connections between components.
Observe how the whole system interact with the memory, and which pins are changed based on the cycle time and instructions.
Toggle between readable and binary view. Please note that when showing as MNEMONICS, the data memory values may incorrectly show as instructions. The memory doesn't really know which records are instructions or data.
Edit the instruction set and variables using this control. Please make sure to enter your data as binary. Little validation is done on this part, so ensure that you've entered a valid structure and instructions
The format should be always be a 4-bit address 8-bit value
address value
0000 00001110
Supported Instructions are:
LDA: 0000
ADD: 0001
SUB: 0010
OUT: 1110
HLT: 1111