A collection of some javascript benchmarks.
Broswer with ES7 support or Node.js >= v8.0, Node.js >= v10.7 recommended
CoffeeScript >= v2.3
Timer in Node.js is more precise than broswers due to security concerns.
git clone https://github.com/lotress/js-benchmark.git
Run tests under test folder.
coffee ./test/<test name>.coffee
A benchmark framework is included as bench.js.
import bench from './bench'
const N = 1e6
var arr = Array.from({ length: N }, (_, i) => i)
const p = () => {
// do something each sample before all cases
const case1 = () => arr.slice(0) // do some heavy computing
const case2 = () => [...arr]
.addCase("Array slice", case1)
.addCase("Array splat", case2)
.run(100) // Run each case 100 times, then print results to console, returns bench itself
Bench Array slice:
average time: 4.247ms ±19.910% fastest
Bench Array splat:
average time: 31.657ms ±9.583% slowest