This is a PHP port of the html_truncator gem.
It will cleanly truncate HTML content, appending an ellipsis or other marker in the most suitable place. There is optional support for php-html5lib if parsing of non-well-formed HTML5 is required. This is because PHP's DOMDocument->loadHTML (or the underlying libxml) doesn't recognize HTML5.
During the truncation process the HTML will be loaded into a DOMDocument. This can be relatively slow and memory hungry, so you may want to cache the truncated output.
The HtmlTruncator\Truncator class has only one static method, truncate
, with 3 arguments:
- the HTML-formatted string to truncate
- the number of words to keep (real words, tags and attributes aren't counted)
- some options like the ellipsis (optional, '…' by default). If the option is string it is used as the ellipsis
And a static attribute, $ellipsable_tags
, which lists the tags that can contain the ellipsis
(by default: p ol ul li div header article nav section footer aside dd dt dl).
A simple example:
Truncator::truncate("<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.</p>", 3);
# => "<p>Lorem ipsum dolor…</p>"
If the text is too short to be truncated, it won't be modified:
Truncator::truncate("<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.</p>", 5);
# => "<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.</p>"
If you prefer, you can have the length in characters instead of words:
Truncator::truncate("<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.</p>", 12, array('length_in_chars' => true));
# => "<p>Lorem ipsum …</p>"
You can customize the ellipsis:
Truncator::truncate("<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.</p>", 3, " (truncated)");
# => "<p>Lorem ipsum dolor (truncated)</p>"
And even have HTML in the ellipsis:
Truncator::truncate("<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.</p>", 3, '<a href="/more-to-read">...</a>');
# => "<p>Lorem ipsum dolor<a href="/more-to-read">...</a></p>"
The ellipsis is put at the right place, inside <p>
, but not <i>
Truncator::truncate("<p><i>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.</i></p>", 3);
# => "<p><i>Lorem ipsum dolor</i>…</p>"
You can indicate that a tag can contain the ellipsis by adding it to the ellipsable_tags:
Truncator::$ellipsable_tags[] = "blockquote";
Truncator::truncate("<blockquote>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.</blockquote>", 3);
# => "<blockquote>Lorem ipsum dolor…</blockquote>"
This PHP port is entirely based on Bruno Michel's excellent rubygem, any bugs introduced are likely mine.
Ported 2013-07-04 by Jude Venn [email protected], released under the MIT license