This repository contains a script that provide you the possibility to install automatically a set of hacking tools using docker.
The tools that will be installed are
- theHarvester search email, subdomain and host directly releated to your target
- nmap is a most famous security and port scanner tool
- RustScan is a modern (and faster) port scanner
- sqlmap is an open source penetration testing tool that automates the process of detecting and exploiting SQL injection
- nikto is a web server scanner
- metasploit is the most famous penetration testing tool
- wpscan WordPress security scanner tool
First of all clone this repository
git clone
Run the install script
./weaponizer install
docker run --rm $(whoami):theharvester -h
docker run --rm $(whoami):nmap -h
docker run -it --rm --name rustscan rustscan/rustscan -h
docker run --rm -it -v "${HOME}/.msf:/home/msf/.msf4" -p 4444:4444 metasploitframework/metasploit-framework ./msfconsole
docker run --rm $(whoami):sqlmap -h
docker run --rm $(whoami):nikto -h
docker run --rm $(whoami):wpscan -h
If you want access a file (e.g. password list), you have to mount the password file with -v. Following an example that show you how to provide the wordlist file to wpscan command in order to perform a brute force attack:
docker run -it -v "~/local/path/wordlist.txt":/wpscan/wordlist.txt --rm $(whoami):wpscan --url --usernames admin -P wordlist.txt
Run the following command to uninstall a tool
./weaponizer uninstall <TOOL_NAME>