- Find files based on search keyword
- Enter or browse for a starting directory to search in
- Enter a keyword to search for
- Select various search option and desired file-type
Ability to search for keyword within various file-types
- Text Files (.txt)
- Word Documents (.docx)
- Excel Files (.xlsx)
- CSV Files (.csv)
Open the found file(s) straight from the application
Open found files directory straight from the application
Copy slected file directory
Various search options included
- Navigate Subdirectories
- Match the whole searchword
- Match the case of the search word
Ability to open File Find from current directory (see below for instructions)
- Locate File Find .exe location
- Copy full file-path to clipboard -> (D:\C#\File-Find\File Find\bin\Release\File Find.exe)
- Open Registry Editor by searching for "regedit" in windows start menu
- Naviagte to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\Background\shell
- Right-click shell and click New -> Key
- Rename folder to File-Find
- Right-click newly created File-Find folder and clikc New -> Key
- Rename folder to command
- Double clikc the (Default) item within the command folder
- Paste in the copied File-Find file-path in the Value data section copied in step 2. with quote and also at "%V" (within quotes)
- Ex: "D:\C#\File-Find\File Find\bin\Release\File Find.exe" "%V"
- That's it! You know can open the File-Find application by right clicking within a explorer window
- The current directory will automically be inserted into the directory textbox for faster searching
- (Optional) If you wish to add an icon to the right-click menu option follow these steps:
- Right-click the File-Find folder we created in step 5 and click New -> String Value
- Rename the new item Icon
- Double click the Icon item to edit the options
- Paste in the same File Find direcotry copied in step 2 within quotes (this time leave off the "%V" we added in step 8)
- Final Results
- Open the solution file and start the application
- Run the executable within the Release folder for faster execution