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DPoS / Transfer Gateway CLI


yarn install
yarn build

Generate a Loom Private Key

To generate a Loom private key, run:

yarn gen:mainnet-key

The private key will be saved into a file called mainnet_private_key.

Generate an Ethereum Private Key

For Ethereum mainnet, run:

yarn gen:ethereum-key

This command will save the private key into a file called ethereum_private_key.

Export Your Infura API Key


Setting Things Up

First, you must map your accounts with:

node dist/index.js -c ../configs/mainnet.json map-accounts


Next, you can use the CLI like this:

node dist/index.js -c ../configs/mainnet.json list-validators

General Bindings

  • map-accounts: Connects the user's dappchain/ethereum keys together. THIS MUST BE EXECUTED WHEN CONNECTING A NEW KEYPAIR TO THE DAPPCHAIN
  • coin-balance: Retrieves the user's Loom balance.
  • resolve <contractName>: Retrieve the contractName's dappchain address from the address mapper

Transfer Gateway Bindings

  • deposit <amount>: Deposits amount LOOM tokens to the gateway. If not enough tokens approved before hand, it will also approve the missing amount
  • withdraw <amount>: Withdraws amount LOOM tokens from the gateway.
  • resume-withdrawal: Resumes an interrupted withdrawal that didn't consume the last withdrawal receipt
  • receipt: Retrieves the currently pending withdrawal receipt (or null if there is none)

DPoS Bindings

  • list-validators: Returns the current DPoS validators
  • list-candidates: Returns information about the current DPoS candidates + their metadata
  • check-delegations -v validatorAddress -d delegatorAddress: Checks how much LOOM has been delegated by delegatorAddress to validatorAddress
  • claim-delegations: Claims the user's rewards. Optionally can supply `--account to withdraw to a different address
  • delegate <amount> <validator>: Lock up amount and delegate it to validator
  • undelegate <amount> <validator>: Unbond amount from validator
  • list-all-delegations: Shows all delegations that are active for each validator
  • list-delegations <validator>: Shows all delegations of a validator
  • my-delegations: display the user's delegations to all candidates
  • time-until-elections: displays the time until elections
  • check-delegations --validator <hex-address> (optional) --delegator <hex-address> (optional): Check how much has a delegator bonded to a candidate/validator
  • check-rewards: Check the user rewards
  • claim-rewards: Get back the user rewards
  • delegate <amount> <validator> <tier> [referrer]: Delegates amount to a candidate / validator
  • redelegate <amount> <formerValidator> <validator> <index>: Instantly redelegates an amount from a delegation to another validator
  • undelegate <amount> <validator> <index>: Undelegates amount from a validator