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Analyze Command

Joseph Axisa edited this page Apr 11, 2019 · 1 revision

Analyze Command

The analyze command is meant to help identify models and explores that have become bloated and use vacuum on them in order to trim them.

analyze projects

The analyze projects command scans projects for their content as well as checks for the status of quintessential features for success such as the git connection status and validation requirements.

| project           |  model_count  |  view_count  | git_connection_status   | pull_request_mode   | validation_required   |
| marketing         |       1       |      13      | OK                      | links               | True                  |
| admin             |       2       |      74      | OK                      | off                 | True                  |
| powered_by_looker |       1       |      14      | OK                      | links               | True                  |
| salesforce        |       1       |      36      | OK                      | required            | False                 |
| thelook_event     |       1       |      17      | OK                      | required            | True                  |

analyze models

Shows the number of explores in each model as well as the number of queries against that model.

| project           | model            |  explore_count  |  query_run_count  |
| salesforce        | salesforce       |        8        |       39424       |
| thelook_event     | thelook          |       10        |      164858       |
| powered_by_looker | powered_by       |        5        |       49402       |
| marketing         | thelook_adwords  |        3        |       38108       |
| admin             | looker_base      |        0        |         0         |
| admin             | looker_on_looker |       10        |        27         |

analyze explores

Shows explores and their usage. If the --min_queries argument is passed, joins and fields that have been used less than the threshold specified will be considered as unused.

| model   | explore                                 | is_hidden   | has_description   |  join_count  |  unused_joins  |  field_count  |  unused_fields  |  query_count  |
| thelook | cohorts                                 | True        | No                |      3       |       0        |      19       |        4        |      333      |
| thelook | data_tool                               | True        | No                |      3       |       0        |      111      |       90        |      736      |
| thelook | order_items                             | False       | No                |      7       |       0        |      153      |       16        |    126898     |
| thelook | events                                  | False       | No                |      6       |       0        |      167      |       68        |     19372     |
| thelook | sessions                                | False       | No                |      6       |       0        |      167      |       83        |     12205     |
| thelook | affinity                                | False       | No                |      2       |       0        |      34       |       13        |     3179      |
| thelook | orders_with_share_of_wallet_application | False       | No                |      9       |       0        |      161      |       140       |     1586      |
| thelook | journey_mapping                         | False       | No                |      11      |       2        |      238      |       228       |      14       |
| thelook | inventory_snapshot                      | False       | No                |      3       |       0        |      25       |       15        |      33       |
| thelook | kitten_order_items                      | True        | No                |      8       |       0        |      154      |       138       |      39       |