- Python version: Python 3.10 (3.6+ is fine)
- Node 18.16.0
: Contract sourcesend2end/
: Application sourcesend2end/main.py
: Enty scriptend2end/src
: Components in system (gateway, tee, storage, network request, web3 blockchain)
- Move into genomicdao folder and install packages:
npm install
- To test with hardhat local node run:
npm run start:node
- Create .env file:
cp .env.example .env
- Compile contracts:
npm run compile
- Deploy contracts:
npm run deploy
- Move to end2end folder and install packages:
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Create .env file:
cp .env.example .env
- Run application with script
sample.json must include following values with format:
"gene_id": string,
"data": low risk | slightly high risk | high risk | extremely high risk
use file to store with some data encrypted