real time fractal path tracer for Processing
I just uploaded these projects so people can reuse or test the code, I didn't even bother creating a local copy on my computer... You will notice that you will have to modify the code to use some of the functionalities, it is an experimental version and may be a bit confusing. I was just messing around and didn't planned to share my code at the beginning.
The first folder (FractalRayTracer) includes an old version of the path tracer, using a diffuse material
The second folder (FractalRayTracer2) includes a new version of the path tracer, using a glass material, mist and glow. It is a bit faster and simpler too.
For both programs, the controls are :
- z : forward
- s : backward
- q : left
- d : right
- space : up
- c : down
- mouse wheel : zoom
- mouse wheel + a : aperture
- mouse wheel + f : focal distance
To change the controls (for a QWERTY keyboard for instance) change the code in the keyPressed(), keyReleased() and mouseWheel() functions. I believe I included the proper QWERTY code in the first folder.