A couple of nice features to help with the caching and fetching logic of mutations and queries. As always, feedback is welcome and make sure to report any bugs you encounter.
π New Features
Added the ability to tag queries using the tags
option when calling useQuery
. This marks a query with the specified tags for a couple of features.
Clearing tagged queries cache after mutation
const { data } = useQuery(GetPosts, {
tags: ['all_posts'],
// This will clear the previous query cache whenever `execute` concludes successfully.
const { execute } = useMutation(CreatePost, {
clearCacheTags: ['all_posts'],
Refetching tagged queries cache after mutation
const { data } = useQuery(GetPosts, {
tags: ['all_posts'],
// This will auto-fetch the previous query whenever `execute` concludes successfully.
const { execute } = useMutation(CreatePost, {
refetchTags: ['all_posts'],
This refetching bypasses the cache so it will also clear the affected queries cache as well, so there is some overlap between clearing and autofetching.