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These instructions assume that you already have a working Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP (LAMP) stack. They include examples for Debian 7 and CentOS 7 platforms.

Download CodeIgniter

If wget is not already installed on your platform, then install it now.

On Debian 7:

sudo apt-get install wget

On CentOS 7:

sudo yum install wget

Change to the directory where you are going to save your downloads, and download the CodeIgniter archive:

cd ~


If unzip is not already installed, then install it now (with sudo apt-get install unzip or sudo yum install unzip, as appropriate).

Unzip the compressed archive:


This will create a directory with a name such as CodeIgniter-2.2-stable.

###Configure CodeIgniter general settings

Open the CodeIgniter-2.2-stable/application/config/config.php file with a text editor, and set the base URL of your website. For example:

$config['base_url'] = '';

If you intend to use encryption or sessions, then set the encryption key to a random, 32-character. For example:

$config['encryption_key'] = 'UEmQQkxr9o6qJ054rWh3feD2admpiK6O';

Save the CodeIgniter-2.2-stable/application/config/config.php file with the above changes.

###Configure CodeIgniter database settings

If you intend to use a database, edit the database settings in the CodeIgniter-2.2-stable/application/config/database.php file. For example:

'hostname' => 'localhost',

'username' => 'exampleuser',

'password' => '6SPLwbEuQTK9v36H',

'database' => 'exampledb',

'dbdriver' => 'mysqli',

###Secure CodeIgniter

For the best security, both the system and application folders should be placed above the web root, so that they are not directly accessible via a browser.

Open the CodeIgniter-2.2-stable/index.php file and set the $system_folder and $application_folder variables.

For example, if you are using the default web root on Debian 7:

$system_path = '/var/system';

$application_folder = '/var/application';

If you are using the default web root on CentOS 7:

$system_path = '/var/www/system';

$application_folder = '/var/www/application';

###Copy CodeIgniter to your web server

Copy the CodeIgniter materials to your web server.

On Debian 7, if you are using the default web directory of /var/www, then execute the commands:

sudo cp -f CodeIgniter-2.2-stable/index.php /var/www/

sudo rm /var/www/index.html

sudo cp -rf CodeIgniter-2.2-stable/application /var/

sudo cp -rf CodeIgniter-2.2-stable/system /var/

On CentOS 7, if you are using the default web directory of /var/www/html, then execute the commands:

sudo cp -f CodeIgniter-2.2-stable/index.php /var/www/html/

sudo cp -rf CodeIgniter-2.2-stable/application /var/www/

sudo cp -rf CodeIgniter-2.2-stable/system /var/www/

###Test the install

Now open a browser and navigate to your web site. For example:

You should see the CodeIgniter default Welcome page.

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