A ETL data pipeline with Airflow, PostgreSQL, Docker, IBM DB2 on Cloud, IBM Cognos Dashboard Embedded.
This is a learning project. The purpose of this project is to build an ETL pipeline that will be able to extract book data from TIKI, an ecommerce website. Then transform and load the data to a data warehouse on cloud and store as a data source. The data source can be used to connect or intergrate with BI tools that will help grasp better understand about the book product from ecommercial resources.
Firstly, book product data in the form of a JSON file from an online website, such as detail information about a book, storage, products' reviews, etc., needs to be crawled and stored in Postgres, utilized as the staging database. After that, data is read and processed using Python with Pandas library to handle missing values, format the data to make it more readable. The final steps are loading all of the data to IBM DB2 on Cloud and checking the data quality stored in the data warehouse. The entire process of data ingestion is required to be automated with a process automation tool - Airflow.
- OS:
Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS on WSL2
- Containerization:
Docker 20.10.22
- Automate Data Pipelines:
Airflow 2.5.0
- Staging Database:
PostgreSQL 15.1
- Data Warehouse:
IBM DB2 on Cloud
- Building Dashboad:
IBM Cognos Dashboard Embedded
- Language:
Python 3.10.6
Install Docker, Docker-compose on Ubuntu Distro - WSL2
Initialize Airflow and Postgres in Docker
- For the first time, run
sh ./scripts/setup_airflow.sh
- Next times, just need to run
sh ./scripts/start_airflow.sh
To install dependency modules (e.g:
), state the module name in filerequirements.txt
and run:sh ./scripts/install_python_modules`
Explanation of the script:
- Build extended docker image:
sudo docker build . --tag extending_airflow:latest
- Modify
file:image: ${AIRFLOW_IMAGE_NAME:-apache/airflow:2.5.0}
intoimage: ${AIRFLOW_IMAGE_NAME:-extending_airflow:latest}
- Rebuild airflow webserver, airflow scheduler:
sudo docker-compose up -d --no-deps --build airflow-webserver airflow-scheduler
- Repeat these steps whenever want to install a new dependency module.
- Build extended docker image:
Access Airflow UI at
, username:airflow
and password:airflow
Open pgAdmin at
, email:[email protected]
and password:admin
Register server:
Using star scheme
1. Staging Tables
- staging.book_product_id
- staging.book_product_data
product_id name sku price original_price discount discount_rate image_url author quantity_sold publisher manufacturer number_of_pages translator publication_date book_cover width height category category_id
- staging.book_product_review
product_id rating_average reviews_count count_1_star percent_1_star count_2_star percent_2_star count_3_star percent_3_star count_4_star percent_4_star count_5_star percent_5_star
2. Fact Table
- factbookproduct
id AUTO INCREMENT product_id REFERENCES dimbook(product_id) category_id REFERENCES dimcategory(category_id) sku image_url quantity_sold price original_price discount discount_rate
3. Dimension Table
product_id name author publisher manufacturer number_of_pages translator publication_date book_cover width height
category_id category
product_id REFERENCES factbookproduct(id) rating_average reviews_count count_1_star percent_1_star count_2_star percent_2_star count_3_star percent_3_star count_4_star percent_4_star count_5_star percent_5_star
The graph view for of data pipeline displayed below describe the task dependencies and the workflow of ETL process:
The ETL data pipeline to scrape and store Tiki's book data is successfully built. Airflow helps automate tasks in the process and schedule the time to run the jobs. All of the tasks in the pipeline were run correctly without any errors or interruptions.
The data stored in the DB2 data warehouse after running the pipeline can be used to do some EDA and make visualizations to drive insights.
Data in data warehouse is used to make a simple dashboard in IBM Cognos Dashboard Embedded as shown in the image
FactBookProduct Table
DimBook Table
DimCategory Table
DimReview Table
- Fix connection to IBM DB2.
- Modify scheme design: add
table - Improve the data quality checks.
- Implement self-customized operator to perform data extraction and loading.
- Refactor code to load data incrementally instead of full refresh (traditional "drop and create")
- Implement Shopee/Fahasa web crawler using Scrapy and Splash.
- Develop more insightful visualization