Please note:
In some situations, the localgov_directories_facets was not added on a default install. This was noted on default localgov_microsites installs (see #355).
This release includes code to fix this on a new installation.
It also implements a hook to trigger the installation of configuration when the localgov_directories Direcoties index (localgov_directories_index_default) is updated.
If you have an existing installation of localgov_directories and the localgov_directories_facets facet is missing, install this release, disable the localgov_directories index and re-enable the localgov_directories index (or make any change to the localgov_directories index and save).
What's Changed
- Also add facet configuration on updating the index (enabling) by @ekes in #359
- 3.1.5 release by @finnlewis in #362
Full Changelog: 3.1.4...3.1.5