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Folders and files

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Repository files navigation


Project Overview

This project is a full-stack application for managing routines and tasks. It includes technical features such as caching, pagination, and toasts for user feedback.

Architectural Decisions


  • Framework: Express.js
  • Database: Prisma with PostgreSQL
  • Caching: Cache-manager with Keyv for in-memory caching
  • Error Handling: Custom error middleware


  • Framework: React with Vite
  • State Management: Context API + React Query
  • Styling: TailwindCSS + shadcn/ui
  • Toasts: Sonner for user feedback

Folder Structure


The backend is organized into several key directories to separate concerns and improve maintainability.

  • docker/: Contains Docker configuration files for development and production environments.
  • prisma/: Includes Prisma schema and migration files for database management.
  • scripts/: Contains shell scripts for various tasks such as starting the development server.
  • src/: The main source code directory.
    • controllers/: Handles incoming requests and returns responses to the client.
    • dtos/: Data Transfer Objects for validating and transforming data.
    • interfaces/: TypeScript interfaces for type checking.
    • middleware/: Custom middleware functions for request handling.
    • routes/: Defines the API endpoints and maps them to controller functions.
    • services/: Business logic and data access layer.
    • utils/: Utility functions and helpers.


The frontend is structured to separate concerns and improve maintainability.

  • public/: Contains static assets like the favicon.
  • src/: The main source code directory.
    • components/: Reusable UI components.
      • custom/: Custom components specific to the application.
        • cards/: Card components for displaying routines and tasks.
        • dialogs/: Dialog components for creating and editing routines and tasks.
      • ui/: General UI components like buttons, forms, and inputs.
    • context/: React context for state management.
    • lib/: Utility functions and helpers.
    • services/: API service functions for communicating with the backend.
    • types/: TypeScript types for type checking.

Usage Examples

Creating a Routine

To create a new routine, click the "New Routine" button and fill out the form. The routine will be saved and displayed in the list.

Adding a Task

To add a task to a routine, click the "Add Task" button within the routine card and fill out the form. The task will be saved and displayed within the routine.

Setup and Deployment Instructions (Local)


  • Node.js (v18 or later)
  • npm or yarn
  • Docker and Docker Compose

Installing Docker and Docker Compose


  1. Download Docker Desktop:

  2. Install Docker Compose:

    • Docker Compose is included with Docker Desktop, so no additional installation is required.


  1. Download Docker Desktop:

  2. Install Docker Compose:

    • Docker Compose is included with Docker Desktop, so no additional installation is required.


  1. Install Docker:

  2. Install Docker Compose:

Backend Setup

  1. Create Environment Variables:

    • Create and files in the back-end directory.
    • Follow the format in back-end/env.example to set the necessary environment variables.
  2. Navigate to the back-end directory:

    cd back-end
  3. Install dependencies:

    npm install
  4. Start the development server:

    npm run docker:dev
  5. Start the production server:

    npm run docker:prod

Scripts Explanation

  • npm run init: Initialize initial migrations script
  • npm run docker:dev: Start the backend application in development mode using Docker.
  • npm run docker:prod: Start the backend application in production mode using Docker.

Frontend Setup

  1. Create Environment Variables:

    • Create .env file in the front-end directory.
    • Follow the format in front-end/.env.example to set the necessary environment variables.
  2. Navigate to the front-end directory:

    cd front-end
  3. Install dependencies:

    npm install
  4. Start the development server:

    npm run dev

Areas for Improvement and Future Enhancements

  • Add WebSocket for real-time data
  • Add Authentication so Users can have their own routines for their account
  • Deploy the back-end in a serverless architecture (Azure or AWS)
  • Deploy the front-end on Vercel
  • Unit Testing for API endpoints


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