A react based video & image annotating tool. See demo.
Use npm to install the tool into your react project.
npm i react-annotation-tool --save
Two tools are available now. They are Image Annotation Tool (aka TwoDimensionalImage) and Video Annotation Tool (aka TwoDimensionalVideo) respectively. Import either one into your react component.
import {TwoDimensionalImage, TwoDimensionalVideo} from "react-annotation-tool"
This tool allows to annotate images with polygons. Users could create new taxonomy if they feel the annotation does not fit into any default options. It is adopted by a CVPR 2019 paper, VizWiz-Priv: A Dataset for Recognizing the Presence and Purpose of Private Visual Information in Images Taken by Blind People.
Prop | Description | Format | Default |
className |
String | '' |
url |
Source of annotated image | String | '' |
imageWidth |
Set the width of image | Number | 400 |
defaultAnnotations |
Default annotations. Detail | [Object] | [] |
menu |
A set of options for classifying annotations. Detail | Object | |
isDynamicOptionsEnable |
Enable adding/deleting options of menu | Boolean | false |
disabledOptionLevels |
The levels which can't be selected. Start from "1". Detail | [String] | [] |
isLabelOn |
Enable showing labels of annotaions on the image | Boolean | false |
isViewOnlyMode |
View only | Boolean | false |
hasPreviousButton |
Enable Previous button | Boolean | false |
onPreviousClick |
Called when Previous button is clicked | Function | ()=>{} |
hasNextButton |
Enable Next button | Boolean | false |
onNextClick |
Called when Next button is clicked | Function | ()=>{} |
hasSkipButton |
Enable Skip button | Boolean | false |
onSkipClick |
Called when Skip button is clicked | Function | ()=>{} |
[{id: "jlhbb0cr", name: "jlhbb0cr", color: "rgba(227,0,255,1)", vertices:
[{id: "jlhbb0cr", name: "jlhbb0cr", x: 228.8125, y: 126},
{id: "jlhbb0ng", name: "jlhbb0ng", x: 254.5, y: 131},
{id: "jlhbb0uh", name: "jlhbb0uh", x: 269.5, y: 145},
{id: "jlhbb11f", name: "jlhbb11f", x: 280.5, y: 173},
{id: "jlhbb17w", name: "jlhbb17w", x: 286.5, y: 215},
{id: "jlhbb1dw", name: "jlhbb1dw", x: 287.5, y: 249},
{id: "jlhbb360", name: "jlhbb360", x: 220.5, y: 141}],
selected: [{id: "0", value: "root"}, {id: "1", value: "Electronic"}, {id: "1-1", value: "Laptop"}]},
{id: "jlhbb6tx", name: "jlhbb6tx", color: "rgba(255,219,0,1)", vertices:
[{id: "jlhbb6tx", name: "jlhbb6tx", x: 103.5, y: 345},
{id: "jlhbb7hm", name: "jlhbb7hm", x: 354.5, y: 306},
{id: "jlhbb80e", name: "jlhbb80e", x: 385.5, y: 452},
{id: "jlhbb8st", name: "jlhbb8st", x: 116.5, y: 479}],
selected: [{id: "2", value: "Stationery"}, {id: "2-1", value: "Pen"}]}
Nested array of object. Each object has id
, value
and options
properties. Must start from object with "root" value
. e.g,
{id: "0", value: "root", options: [
{id: "1", value: "Electronic", options: [
{id: "1-1", value: "Laptop", options: [
{id: "1-1-1", value: "Apple", options: []},
{id: "1-1-2", value: "Asus", options: []}
{id: "1-2", value: "Charger", options: []},
{id: "1-3", value: "Watch", options: []}
{id: "2", value: "Stationery", options: [
{id: "2-1", value: "Pen", options: []},
{id: "2-2", value: "Eraser", options: []}
Array of Integer. Start from "1". e.g,
[1, 2]
{url: "https://images.pexels.com/photos/57750/pexels-photo-57750.jpeg",
imageScaleFactor: 0.26666666666666666, /* annotation width divided by nature width */
imageWidth: 500,
imageHeight: 400,
annotations: [{ id: "jluju651", name: "jluju651", color: "rgba(0,4,255,1)",
vertices: [{id:"jluju651", name:"jluju651", x: 124.5625, y: 26},
{id:"jlujucus", name:"jlujucus", x: 139.296875, y: 22},
{id:"jlujuf07", name:"jlujuf07", x: 148.296875, y: 21},
{id:"jlujugpw", name:"jlujugpw", x: 154.296875, y: 11}
selected: []},
{ id: "jlujvoym", name: "jlujvoym", color: "rgba(255,219,0,1)",
vertices: [{id:"jlujvoym", name:"jlujvoym", x: 183.25, y: 202},
{id:"jlujvrw7", name:"jlujvrw7", x: 314.296875, y: 200.5},
{id:"jlujvtwu", name:"jlujvtwu", x: 316.296875, y: 290},
{id:"jlujvvhw", name:"jlujvvhw", x: 181.796875, y: 292.5}],
selected: [{id: "0", value: "root"}, {id: "1", value: "Electronic"}, {id: "1-1", value: "Laptop"}]}
menu: { /*same as menu property*/ }
- Refactorize all components.
Vidoe tool allows you to annotate object in videos via bounding box. The tool originally is designed for annotating cell videos.
Name | Description |
Annotation | The basic unit of the annotation result |
Incident | Each annotation contains mutiple incidents. Each incident records the time and some information (e.g., position, size, status...) when the annotation is manipulate by the users (e.g., split, move, resize...) |
Parent(parentName) | If you enable Split functionality, this property stores the parent who generates current annotation |
Children(childrenNames) | If you enable Split functionality, this property store the children belong to current annotation |
Prop | Description | Data Type | Default |
className |
String | '' |
url |
Video url | String | '' |
defaultAnnotations |
Default annotations. Detail | [Objects] | [] |
videoWidth |
Video width | Number | 400 |
isDefaultAnnotationsManipulatable |
Allow users to edit default annotations | Boolean | false |
previewHeader |
Header for preview | String | '' |
previewNoticeList |
Content for preview | [String] | [] |
isEmptyCheckEnable |
Force users to annotate at least one object | Boolean | false |
isSplitEnable |
Enable Split button for each annotation | Boolean | false |
isShowHideEnable |
Enable Show/Hide button for each annotation | Boolean | false |
hasReview |
Enable review after users click submit button | Boolean | false |
numAnnotationsToBeAdded |
Number of annotations users can be added | Number | 1000 |
onSubmit |
The callback function to handle submitted result | Function | ()=>{} |
emptyCheckSubmissionWarningText |
Text for warming empty annotaion | String | '' |
emptyCheckAnnotationItemWarningText |
Text for warming non-incident anntation | String | '' |
emptyAnnotationReminderText |
Text for warming empty annotaion on the control panel | String | '' |
id: "jwzlwirv",
name: "jwzlwirv",
label: "1",
color: "rgba(255,219,0,1)",
parentName: "",
childrenNames: ["jwzlwrh3","jwzlwrh4"],
{x:198.25, y:137, width:101, height:99, time:0, status:"Show", id:"jwzlwirv", name:"jwzlwirv", label:""},
{x:235.25, y:190, width:73, height:68, time:0.07694, status:"Show", id:"jwzlwlzl", name:"jwzlwlzl", label:""},
{x:235.25, y:190, width:73, height:68, time:0.11864, status:"Split", id:"jwzlwrh2", name:"jwzlwrh2", label:""}
id: "jwzlwrh3",
name: "jwzlwrh3",
label: "1-1",
color: "rgba(0,255,81,1)",
parentName: "jwzlwirv",
childrenNames: [],
incidents: [
{x:235.25, y:190, width:36.5, height:34, time:0.11864, status:"Show", id:"jwzlwrh2", name:"jwzlwrh2", label:""},
{x:202.25, y:267, width:64.5, height:83, time:0.17467, status:"Show", id:"jwzlwy9h", name:"jwzlwy9h", label:""}
id: "jwzlwrh4",
name: "jwzlwrh4",
label: "1-2",
color: "rgba(0,255,81,1)",
parentName: "jwzlwirv",
childrenNames: [],
incidents: [
{x:251.75, y:204, width:36.5, height:34, time:0.11864, status:"Show", id:"jwzlwrh2", name:"jwzlwrh2", label:""},
{x:298.75, y:242, width:51.5, height:54, time:0.17467, status:"Show", id:"jwzlwwpj", name:"jwzlwwpj", label:""}
- Makes Split and Hide optional.
- Enable other shapes (e.g., circle) to annotate.
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