This project contains tools, parsers, and instructions for creating your own OpenEdx Analytics Pipeline using Matlab/Octave or Julia D4M.
To get started you will need GNU Octave and/or Julia, both of which are open source. Both languages include packages for Windows, Mac OS and Linux as well as the source code for those who need or wish to build from source. Instructions for installing the software can be found at
- Julia Home: https://julialang.org/
- Julia Download: https://julialang.org/downloads/
GNU Octave: https://www.gnu.org/software/octave/
GNU Octave Download: https://www.gnu.org/software/octave/#install
You will also need to install jsonlab, which can be found at:
- JsonLab: https://github.com/fangq/jsonlab
To complete the projects, you will also need the D4M Libraries. These can be found at:
- D4M Home: http://d4m.mit.edu/
- D4M Download: http://d4m.mit.edu/download
The exercises have been created as Jupyter Notebooks to provide a complete package of instruction and code examples for you to take and work with as you wish. The standard Jupyter Notebook kernel is Python, so for these exercises you will need to install the GNU Octave and/or Julia kernels. The installation instructions can be found at:
- Julia: https://github.com/JuliaLang/IJulia.jl
- GNU Octave: https://github.com/Calysto/octave_kernel
- We recommend using pip install
- You will also need to set the following environment variable, detailed in the instructions: OCTAVE_EXECUTABLE=/Applications/Octave.app/Contents/Resources/usr/bin/octave-cli
If you are unfamilar with Jupyter Notebooks, the following tutorial provides a nice introduction.
- Jupyter Tutorial: https://www.datquest.io/blog/jupyter-notebook-tutorial