primarily defines composite types that embed inter-connected array collections and provides exchange
functions that transfer data between connected arrays (see Notebooks below). It was originally introduced in this JuliaCon-2018 presentation. Note: MeshArrays.jl
is registered, documented, etc., but still regarded as a preliminary implementation.
using Pkg
Let's integrate a diffusion equation over the surface of a cube:
using MeshArrays; p=dirname(pathof(MeshArrays));
using Plots; include(joinpath(p,"Plots.jl"));
Starting from a noisy DemoVariables[1]
, this leads to a smoothed DemoVariables[2]
The JuliaCon-2018 presentation relied on two Jupyter notebooks
that are available in the MeshArrayNotebooks repo. Other included notebooks illustrate for example how MeshArrays.smooth
is used for unit testing purposes (demo_smooth.ipynb
) or how MeshArrays.jl
allows for computations of Ocean transports (demo_trsp.ipynb
). All MeshArrayNotebooks
can readily be used in the cloud via binder