Origin of Metals around Galaxies I: Metal-line doublet catalogs and parameter distributions
This repository contains the metal-line doublet catalogs calculated in our paper
OMG I 2018
for CIV, SiIV, MgII and NV, after searching all the quasar samples and
removing repeated doublets. See the paper for details on the calculations. If you find
these catalogs useful, please, cite our work, and let me know if you find some issues with
the data or its use.
Additionally, we include here the plots of the distributions of equivalent widths, redshift and significance of the detections (as in Figure 3 in the paper) for every quasar sample (KODIAQ DR1 and DR2, UVES, and HIRES).
The columns in the catalogs are set as follows:
- Quasar ID
- RA
- Weighted-mean redshift of the doublet
- Equivalent width of the left-hand side line in the doublet (in mA)
- Uncertainty in the equivalent width of the left-hand side line in the doublet (in mA)
- Significance of the detection for the left-hand side line in the doublet (in mA)
- Equivalent width of the right-hand side line in the doublet (in mA)
- Uncertainty in the equivalent width of the right-hand side line in the doublet (in mA)
- Significance of the detection for the right-hand side line in the doublet (in mA)
- Quasar sample from where the doublet was obtained