FAP server assigns timetable for FPT's students. However, Some students want to make their own timetable for their own benefit. For example, register more courses, choose the schedule as you like, change class to learn with friends, so on. Unfortunately, FAP does not support them, they have to do it manually: check the list of available classes, check class timeble, and find the right match for schedule courses. In short, assign timetable can take up to 30 minutes of your life.
This project appears to help them do it automatically and takes less than 5 minutes.
- I use Puppeter Nodejs to crawl data from FAP
- I use C# Win Form as GUI and Controller
Step 1: npm install
Step 2: node megafyk/src/index.js
Step 3: node megafyk/src/modify.js
Step 4: run project xeplich
Currently, My application is not good because lack of architecture, requirement and testing. Please help me to contribute, by contact me at Facebook
run: node megafyk/src/feedback.js
it takes less than 5 second to feedback.
video demo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=6&v=lhdaf81ayRs