A simple Advent of Code helper for the Cargo subcommand to download your puzzles into a file.
git clone https://github.com/ljgago/cargo-aoc
cd cargo-aoc
cargo install --path .
You need set the environment variable AOC_SESSION
using your Advent of Code session cookie.
$ cargo aoc -h
Advent of Code helper to download your puzzles into a file.
Usage: cargo aoc [OPTIONS] --day <DAY>
-y, --year <YEAR> Year of event (2015 to [default]) [default: 2024]
-d, --day <DAY> Day of challenger (1 to 25)
-p, --path <PATH> Path where the puzzle will be saved [default: .]
-h, --help Print help (see more with '--help')
-V, --version Print version
$ cargo aoc --help
Advent of Code helper to download your puzzles into a file.
You must set the AOC_SESSION environment variable using your Advent of Code session cookie.
You can use direnv and configure your .envrc file like this:
Usage: cargo aoc [OPTIONS] --day <DAY>
-y, --year <YEAR>
Year of event (2015 to [default])
[default: 2024]
-d, --day <DAY>
Day of challenger (1 to 25)
-p, --path <PATH>
Path where the puzzle will be saved
[default: .]
-h, --help
Print help (see a summary with '-h')
-V, --version
Print version