CodablePPTX is a tool to generate PowerPoint Presentation file (.pptx file) from YAML specifications.
- Python 3.7.6
- Pillow
- python-pptx
pip install -r requirements.txt
You can check how it works by compiling sample files in the repository.
python sample.yaml sample.pptx
Tutorial slides are generated by CodablePPTX itself. CodablePPTX Tutorial
A server program which shows realtime preview of CodablePPTX slides.
- Node.js 12.12.0
- pdfjs-dist 2.2.228
- express 4.17.1
- fswatch
- libreoffice
- md5sum
npm install
This program generates a PPTX file from the input YAML file and converts it into into a PDF file. You can see the preview of the PDF by accessing localhost:3000.
This program also watches changes of the input YAML file. If it is changed, the program automatically recompiles the YAML and updates the preview.