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Train Tesseract LSTM with make on Windows

About tesstrain-win

The tesstrain-win comes from the tesseract-ocr/tesstrain , In order to make it run on Windows, there are some changes to the makefile and the overall file structure.

The ocrd-train(OCR-D/ocrd-train) in tesstrain-win is the Predecessor of tesseract-ocr/tesstrain. it Could help us understand the makefile of tesseract-ocr/tesstrain.

The file structure in tesstrain-win: image

Recommendations for choosing a training method




You will need a recent version (>= 4.0.0beta1) of tesseract built with the training tools and matching leptonica bindings.

Build instructions and more can be found in the Tesseract project wiki.


You need a recent version of Python 3.x. For image processing the Python library Pillow is used.


In order to run the makefile on Windows, you need the Cygwin.

How to Use tesstrain-win

Before training your own database, it is recommended to train first.

If the can be trained normally, it means that the current computer training environment is OK.

How to train

  1. Extract ./data/foo-ground-truth/ to ./data/foo-ground-truth.

  2. Run the command prompt as an administrator, Go to the tesstrain-win directory, e. g.:

cd %USERPROFILE%/tesstrain-win
  1. run make training
make training

How to train your own database

  1. Give your database a name

    You could give the name by change the line 11 in makefile


Or you could give the name when you run make training

make training MODEL_NAME=New_Name
  1. Prepare the base traineddata

    If you train from scratch, no need to do this. If you train Fine-tune, download the base traineddata from the tessdata_best,and Place it to the ./data/tessdata.

  2. update the foo.numbers/foo.punc/foo.wordlist in data filefolder

    The three files should be consistent with the base traineddata or the relevant language you are training.

    e.g. :if your base traineddata is eng, You could download them from langdata_lstm/eng.But you need to rename them separately:New_Name.numbers/New_Name.punc/New_Name.wordlist after download.

  3. Prepare the ground truth

    Place ground truth consisting of line images and transcriptions in the folder data/MODEL_NAME-ground-truth. This list of files will be split into training and evaluation data, the ratio is defined by the RATIO_TRAIN variable.

    Images must be TIFF and have the extension .tif or PNG and have the extension .png, .bin.png or .nrm.png.

    Transcriptions must be single-line plain text and have the same name as the line image but with the image extension replaced by .gt.txt.

  4. Run the command prompt as an administrator, Go to the tesstrain-win directory, e. g.:

cd %USERPROFILE%/tesstrain-win
  1. run make training
make training


Train Tesseract LSTM with make on Windows







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