A static analysis tool for ETL jobs written in PostgreSQL.
psqflow can analyze a file containing one or more statements to produce:
- A "global graph" of table dependencies + exports at the boundaries of the ETL job
- A "trace graph" of tables flowing through the ETL job
Under the hood, psqflow uses libpg_query to access the internal PostgreSQL parser outside of a PostgreSQL server and the Cython interface code from psqlparse to talk to the parser from Python.
parser.c is included in the distribution, so Cython should not be needed. The build process will still need to download and compile libpg_query for inclusion.
python setup.py install
Given a sample job:
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS analytics.users_computed AS (
FROM application.users
LEFT JOIN application.friends USING (user_id)
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS workers.activities_computed AS (
FROM application.activities
JOIN application.activity_logs USING (activity_id)
INSERT INTO analytics.dashboard (
FROM analytics.users_computed
JOIN workers.activities_computed USING (user_id)
Shows how the input tables flow to the output tables
psqlflow exec_dash.sql -o global_graph.png
Shows a complete flow of all tables, including temporary and intermediate tables dropped at the end of the query
psqlflow exec_dash.sql -t -o trace_graph.png