This repository contains the source code of Blender. Blender is a practical simulation framework for Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) neighbor discovery. A demo application of Blender-as-a-service can be find at AlgoSpace.
Please cite the papers as follows (or use this bibtex record).
- Yukuan Ding, Tong Li, Jiaxin Liang, Dan Wang. Blender: Toward Practical Simulation Framework for BLE Neighbor Discovery. ACM International Conference on Mobile, Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems (MSWiM), pp. 103-110, 2022.
- Tong Li, Jiaxin Liang, Yukuan Ding, Kai Zheng, Xu Zhang, Ke Xu. On Design and Performance of Offline Finding Network. IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), pp. 1-10, 2023.
This contains the algorithm(s) utilized for accelerating Blender's simulation process.
The implementation of different simulation workflows are listed here, where the specific characteristics of each are embeded in the comments.
This contains some debugging and analyzing tools.
The python implementation is written under python3.8 with numpy 1.20.1.
A sample usage of the simulator is presented in
The input parameters are explained as follows:
- adv_interval: The broadcaster's broadcast interval, an integer ranges from 20 to 10240 ms.
- scan_interval: The scanner's scan interval, an integer ranges from 20 to 10240 ms.
- scan_window: The scanner's scan window, an integer ranges from 20 to 10240 ms. scan_window must not exceed scan_interval.
- end_time: The upper bound of running time for each simulation case, an integer ranges from 1000 to 60000 ms. This speeds up the simulation when an extra large discovery latency occurs.
- loss_rate: The loss ratio of a beacon message, an integer ranges from 0 to 99. For example, 20 refers to loss_rate=20%.