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Reference lookup constructor

Ryan Newington edited this page May 26, 2022 · 5 revisions

Reference lookup constructor

The reference lookup constructor (RLC) allows you to find objects in a database that match a specified criteria, and populate references to them on an attribute on the current object.


Constructor ID

All constructors must have a ID that is unique across the configuration set. This includes across different class constructors. Any string value can be used using the characters A-Z, 0-9, and -.

Disable constructor

This setting allows you to temporarily disable the constructor. Disabled constructors' execution conditions are never evaluated and the constructor never runs.


This field provides an opportunity to document what your constructor does. It is a free text field that can contain as much or as little information as you like

Target attribute

The attribute that the constructor will modify the value on

Modification type

This constructor always replaces the existing values on the attribute. If not matches are found, any existing values are deleted.

Multiple match action

You can configure how you want the constructor to handle a situation where multiple matches are found for the given search criteria. If the target is a single-valued attribute, you must choose an action to take. If the target is a multivalued attribute, you can store all the matches.

Parameter Description
Use all All the matches found will be stored on the target attribute. This option is only available for multivalued attributes
Use first Gets the first matching result and stores that on the target attribute
Use None Deletes the attribute if more than one value is found
Error Throws an error and aborts the current export operation

Lookup query

The lookup query node allows you to define the search criteria. It is a standard database query that can search multiple attributes across the various object classes. As with all database queries, attributes that are inherited on a particular object class cannot participate in a search, as they do not exist on the inheriting object within the database.

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