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@LinuxServer-CI LinuxServer-CI released this 17 Aug 18:57
· 254 commits to master since this release

LinuxServer Changes:

Remove py3-pillow, add tiff to fix deps.

netbox Changes:

Breaking Changes

  • Device position, device type height, and rack unit values are now reported as decimals (e.g. 1.0 or 1.5) to support modeling half-height rack units.
  • The nat_outside relation on the IP address model now returns a list of zero or more related IP addresses, rather than a single instance (or None).
  • Several fields on the cable API serializers have been altered or removed to support multiple-object cable terminations:
Old Name Old Type New Name New Type
termination_a_type string Removed -
termination_b_type string Removed -
termination_a_id integer Removed -
termination_b_id integer Removed -
termination_a object a_terminations list
termination_b object b_terminations list
  • As with the cable model, several API fields on all objects to which cables can be connected (interfaces, circuit terminations, etc.) have been changed:
Old Name Old Type New Name New Type
link_peer object link_peers list
link_peer_type string link_peers_type string
connected_endpoint object connected_endpoints list
connected_endpoint_type string connected_endpoints_type string
connected_endpoint_reachable boolean connected_endpoints_reachable boolean
  • The cable path serialization returned by the /paths/ endpoint for pass-through ports has been simplified, and the following fields removed: origin_type, origin, destination_type, destination. (Additionally, is_complete has been added.)

New Features

Multi-object Cable Terminations (#9102)

When creating a cable in NetBox, each end can now be attached to multiple termination points. This allows accurate modeling of duplex fiber connections to individual termination ports and breakout cables, for example. (Note that all terminations attached to one end of a cable must be the same object type, but do not need to connect to the same parent object.) Additionally, cable terminations can now be modified without needing to delete and recreate the cable.

L2VPN Modeling (#8157)

NetBox can now model a variety of L2 VPN technologies, including VXLAN, VPLS, and others. Interfaces and VLANs can be attached to L2VPNs to track connectivity across an overlay. Similarly to VRFs, each L2VPN can also have import and export route targets associated with it.

PoE Interface Attributes (#1099)

Two new fields have been added to the device interface model to track Power over Ethernet (PoE) capabilities:

  • PoE mode: Power supplying equipment (PSE) or powered device (PD)
  • PoE type: Applicable IEEE standard or other power type

Half-Height Rack Units (#51)

Device type height can now be specified in 0.5U increments, allowing for the creation of devices consume partial rack units. Additionally, a device can be installed at the half-unit mark within a rack (e.g. U2.5). For example, two half-height devices positioned in sequence will consume a single rack unit; two consecutive 1.5U devices will consume 3U of space.

Restrict API Tokens by Client IP (#8233)

API tokens can now be restricted to use by certain client IP addresses or networks. For example, an API token with its allowed_ips list set to [] will permit authentication only from API clients within that network; requests from other sources will fail authentication. This enables administrators to restrict the use of a token to specific clients.

Reference User in Permission Constraints (#9074)

NetBox's permission constraints have been expanded to support referencing the current user associated with a request using the special $user token. As an example, this enables an administrator to efficiently grant each user to edit his or her own journal entries, but not those created by other users.

  "created_by": "$user"

Custom Field Grouping (#8495)

A group_name field has been added to the custom field model to enable organizing related custom fields by group. Similarly to custom links, custom fields which have been assigned to the same group will be rendered within that group when viewing an object in the UI. (Custom field grouping has no effect on API operation.)

Toggle Custom Field Visibility (#9166)

The behavior of each custom field within the NetBox UI can now be controlled individually by toggling its UI visibility. Three options are available:

  • Read/write: The custom field is included when viewing and editing objects (default).
  • Read-only: The custom field is displayed when viewing an object, but it cannot be edited via the UI. (It will appear in the form as a read-only field.)
  • Hidden: The custom field will never be displayed within the UI. This option is recommended for fields which are not intended for use by human users.

Custom field UI visibility has no impact on API operation.


  • #1202 - Support overlapping assignment of NAT IP addresses
  • #4350 - Illustrate reservations vertically alongside rack elevations
  • #4434 - Enable highlighting devices within rack elevations
  • #5303 - A virtual machine may be assigned to a site and/or cluster
  • #7120 - Add termination_date field to Circuit
  • #7744 - Add status field to Location
  • #8171 - Populate next available address when cloning an IP
  • #8222 - Enable the assignment of a VM to a specific host device within a cluster
  • #8471 - Add status field to Cluster
  • #8511 - Enable custom fields and tags for circuit terminations
  • #8995 - Enable arbitrary ordering of REST API results
  • #9070 - Hide navigation menu items based on user permissions
  • #9177 - Add tenant assignment for wireless LANs & links
  • #9391 - Remove 500-character limit for custom link text & URL fields
  • #9536 - Track API token usage times
  • #9582 - Enable assigning config contexts based on device location

Bug Fixes (from Beta2)

  • #9758 - Display parent object of connected termination
  • #9900 - Pre-populate site & rack fields for cable connection form
  • #9938 - Exclude virtual interfaces from terminations list when connecting a cable
  • #9939 - Fix list of next nodes for split paths under trace view

Plugins API

  • #9075 - Introduce AbortRequest exception for cleanly interrupting object mutations
  • #9092 - Add support for ObjectChildrenView generic view
  • #9228 - Subclasses of ChangeLoggingMixin can override serialize_object() to control JSON serialization for change logging
  • #9414 - Add clone() method to NetBoxModel for copying instance attributes
  • #9647 - Introduce customfield_value template tag

Other Changes

  • #9261 - NetBoxTable no longer automatically clears pre-existing calls to prefetch_related() on its queryset
  • #9434 - Enabled django-rich test runner for more user-friendly output
  • #9903 - Implement a mechanism for automatically updating denormalized fields

REST API Changes

  • List results can now be ordered by field, by appending ?ordering={fieldname} to the query. Multiple fields can be specified by separating the field names with a comma, e.g. ?ordering=site,name. To invert the ordering, prepend a hyphen to the field name, e.g. ?ordering=-name.
  • Added the following endpoints:
    • /api/dcim/cable-terminations/
    • /api/ipam/l2vpns/
    • /api/ipam/l2vpn-terminations/
  • circuits.Circuit
    • Added optional termination_date field
  • circuits.CircuitTermination
    • link_peer has been renamed to link_peers and now returns a list of objects
    • link_peer_type has been renamed to link_peers_type
    • connected_endpoint has been renamed to connected_endpoints and now returns a list of objects
    • connected_endpoint_type has been renamed to connected_endpoints_type
    • connected_endpoint_reachable has been renamed to connected_endpoints_reachable
    • Added custom_fields and tags fields
  • dcim.Cable
    • termination_a_type has been renamed to a_terminations_type
    • termination_b_type has been renamed to b_terminations_type
    • termination_a renamed to a_terminations and now returns a list of objects
    • termination_b renamed to b_terminations and now returns a list of objects
    • termination_a_id has been removed
    • termination_b_id has been removed
  • dcim.ConsolePort
    • link_peer has been renamed to link_peers and now returns a list of objects
    • link_peer_type has been renamed to link_peers_type
    • connected_endpoint has been renamed to connected_endpoints and now returns a list of objects
    • connected_endpoint_type has been renamed to connected_endpoints_type
    • connected_endpoint_reachable has been renamed to connected_endpoints_reachable
  • dcim.ConsoleServerPort
    • link_peer has been renamed to link_peers and now returns a list of objects
    • link_peer_type has been renamed to link_peers_type
    • connected_endpoint has been renamed to connected_endpoints and now returns a list of objects
    • connected_endpoint_type has been renamed to connected_endpoints_type
    • connected_endpoint_reachable has been renamed to connected_endpoints_reachable
  • dcim.Device
    • The position field has been changed from an integer to a decimal
  • dcim.DeviceType
    • The u_height field has been changed from an integer to a decimal
  • dcim.FrontPort
    • link_peer has been renamed to link_peers and now returns a list of objects
    • link_peer_type has been renamed to link_peers_type
    • connected_endpoint has been renamed to connected_endpoints and now returns a list of objects
    • connected_endpoint_type has been renamed to connected_endpoints_type
    • connected_endpoint_reachable has been renamed to connected_endpoints_reachable
  • dcim.Interface
    • link_peer has been renamed to link_peers and now returns a list of objects
    • link_peer_type has been renamed to link_peers_type
    • connected_endpoint has been renamed to connected_endpoints and now returns a list of objects
    • connected_endpoint_type has been renamed to connected_endpoints_type
    • connected_endpoint_reachable has been renamed to connected_endpoints_reachable
    • Added the optional poe_mode and poe_type fields
    • Added the l2vpn_termination read-only field
  • dcim.InterfaceTemplate
    • Added the optional poe_mode and poe_type fields
  • dcim.Location
    • Added required status field (default value: active)
  • dcim.PowerOutlet
    • link_peer has been renamed to link_peers and now returns a list of objects
    • link_peer_type has been renamed to link_peers_type
    • connected_endpoint has been renamed to connected_endpoints and now returns a list of objects
    • connected_endpoint_type has been renamed to connected_endpoints_type
    • connected_endpoint_reachable has been renamed to connected_endpoints_reachable
  • dcim.PowerFeed
    • link_peer has been renamed to link_peers and now returns a list of objects
    • link_peer_type has been renamed to link_peers_type
    • connected_endpoint has been renamed to connected_endpoints and now returns a list of objects
    • connected_endpoint_type has been renamed to connected_endpoints_type
    • connected_endpoint_reachable has been renamed to connected_endpoints_reachable
  • dcim.PowerPort
    • link_peer has been renamed to link_peers and now returns a list of objects
    • link_peer_type has been renamed to link_peers_type
    • connected_endpoint has been renamed to connected_endpoints and now returns a list of objects
    • connected_endpoint_type has been renamed to connected_endpoints_type
    • connected_endpoint_reachable has been renamed to connected_endpoints_reachable
  • dcim.Rack
    • The elevation endpoint now includes half-height rack units, and utilizes decimal values for the ID and name of each unit
  • dcim.RearPort
    • link_peer has been renamed to link_peers and now returns a list of objects
    • link_peer_type has been renamed to link_peers_type
    • connected_endpoint has been renamed to connected_endpoints and now returns a list of objects
    • connected_endpoint_type has been renamed to connected_endpoints_type
    • connected_endpoint_reachable has been renamed to connected_endpoints_reachable
  • extras.ConfigContext
    • Added the locations many-to-many field to track the assignment of ConfigContexts to Locations
  • extras.CustomField
    • Added group_name and ui_visibility fields
  • ipam.IPAddress
    • The nat_inside field no longer requires a unique value
    • The nat_outside field has changed from a single IP address instance to a list of multiple IP addresses
  • ipam.VLAN
    • Added the l2vpn_termination read-only field
  • users.Token
    • Added the allowed_ips array field
    • Added the read-only last_used datetime field
  • virtualization.Cluster
    • Added required status field (default value: active)
  • virtualization.VirtualMachine
    • The site field is now directly writable (rather than being inferred from the assigned cluster)
    • The cluster field is now optional. A virtual machine must have a site and/or cluster assigned.
    • Added the optional device field
    • Added the l2vpn_termination read-only field
    • Added tenant field
    • Added tenant field