⌨️ 💻 This is a command-line application built with nodeJS that is able to take user input and populate a company's database displaying members of the company.
📼Below is the gif showing the functionality of the application:
🎥 Video demonstration of the application can be found here
Clone or download this github repository onto local directory, open the directory in any code editor (VScode used in demonstration).
Open a new terminal inside the "Develop" folder and run the following command:
npm i
💻 👨🔧 👩🔧
- Open Mysql with CLI inside the 'db' folder with the following command:
mysql -u root -p
- Create database and populate database with pre-seeded data or user-defined data by running the following commands:
source schema.sql
source seeds.sql
On line 9 of the prompt.js file, change the password from "EnterYourMySQLPassword" to the actual MySQL password for your local machine.
Run the following command at the root of the project and answer the choose from the list of options:
node prompt.js
No testing is currently set up
Allow users to remove employees, roles, and departments
Allow users to view employees by manager or departments
Allow users to update employee managers, salaries, etc.